加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal我听到一段话,写的挺好的,


History will come to think of “social media” as one of history’s more Orwellian terms. What it really should be called is antisocial media. If it has brought people closer together in virtual space, it has also made it easier for them to remain alone and isolated in physical space. If it has made it easier for people to find communities of like-minded people, it has also made them more hostile to anyone who thinks a little differently from them. If it has facilitated various kinds of personal expression, it has also made it much easier for people to be uncivil and nasty. If it has offered a platform for billions of people to express their political views, it has also concentrated power in a tiny handful of tech executives to suppress views. Altogether, social media has been the mother of all unintended consequences.


大家都是狼,何必要装羊 超赞 赏 Dayday-up 12$(VIP 0,#93) 3,8192020-11-02#3 social media难道是潘多拉魔盒?

意见不保证正确,但感受保证真实social media难道是潘多拉魔盒?点击展开...这个环境对于人类和人性,是个新的环境,作为个体,未必能感觉自己有什么大变化,整个群体,变化挺大的,影响社会的变化,有个记录片,the social dilemma ,说社交媒体让一些人变得封闭了,促成的原因,AI, 和influencers, 让同类思维聚集,让想法固化,让不同想法形成敌视,

我倒不是很认同这一点。这是典型 technophobia 的观点。就是“新技术恐惧者”的观点。实际上social media就是一种技术进步。举个栗子:一个落后的穷乡僻壤,以前通知一件事情需要村长走门串户。后来购置一台大喇叭,只需要在村广播站喊一声就完了。这本身是技术进步。但如果较真的话,上面说的今天social media带来的问题,那台大喇叭同样带来啊——谁控制了广播站,谁就控制了话语权,不是吗。技术就是技术,而如何使用技术,或者如何限制技术的使用,则是人的问题。social media本身不排挤那些自闭者,甚至给自闭者提供了可以不直接face-to-face去见人就能够与外界交流的机会。但是如果谁因为沉迷于网络而丧失了与人交往的激情,那就应该去就医,而不是blame这些social media。

你都如何回忆我 带着笑或是很沉默 这些年来 有没有人让你不寂寞 - 不再年轻的毛利小五郎~ 超赞 赏 反馈:Dayday-up 0.00 D dave 18$(VIP 0,#63) 7,6742021-01-19#6 Social media only the person who has antisocial motivation can use it to make noises or dangers in public. I called it magic box.

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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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