加拿大华人论坛 德国生活科学家开发出新型免疫疗法治疗肿瘤



来源:生物谷 2014-05-12 16:07

2014年5月11日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --长期以来科学家都希望利用免疫疗法治疗癌症,但是直到现在,免疫疗法似乎只对一些特异性癌症如黑色素瘤等疗效较好。现在,来自美国国家癌症学会下属癌症研究中心的科学家找到一种方法将免疫疗法和遗传学结合起来使人体免疫系统特异性攻击患者体内具有特定突变的癌症细胞。



Scientists have long been searching for a way to harness patients' immune systems to attack their own cancer, and researchers may have figured out just the way to do it.

The approach, outlined in the May 9 issue of Science, merges ideas from two hot fields in cancer drug development--immunotherapy and genetics--to target patient-specific mutations driving the growth of the cancer. In that sense, the therapy could hypothetically be tailored to any kind of cancer.

"The method we have developed provides a blueprint for using immunotherapy to specifically attack sporadic or driver mutations, unique to a patient's individual cancer," said Dr. Steven Rosenberg, chief of the surgery branch in National Cancer Institute's Center for Cancer Research, in a statement.

Immunotherapy has so far shown promise in more rare cancers, like melanoma and kidney cancers, but the conundrum in immunotherapy development has been how to treat more common epithelial cell cancers.

Previously, scientists did not know whether the human immune system was able to mount an effective response against mutant proteins produced by these epithelial cell cancers, or if such a response could even be used to develop a personalized immunotherapy. Epithelial cells line the body's internal and external surfaces, such as the skin, and are known to give rise to about 80% of common cancers, such as those in the digestive tract, lung, pancreas, bladder and other areas of the body.

Taking a type of immune cells called tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, or TILs, from the patient, researchers used whole-exome sequencing to pick out those with the best antitumor activity--those that matched a mutation found in her cancer cell. They then grew a huge quantity of TIL cells in a lab that were found to react to the mutation and infused them into the patient.

After the TIL cells transfer, the patient's metastatic lung and liver tumors stabilized. After about 13 months, the patient's cancer progressed, and she was retreated with the therapy, in which 95% of the transferred cells were T cells specific to the cancer mutation. Six months after the second treatment, the patient's lung and liver tumors shrank.

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