服务内容:英语.雅思培训.London.伯明翰.曼城服务地址:18 Southampton Place,London, WC1A 2AJ, United Kingdom价格:£1联系人:Cynthia Zhao电话:07872934084邮箱:[email protected]其他联系方式:QQ 2435118770

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QQ: 2435118770 微信:2435118770
Cynthia Zhao 07872934084
Please feel free to contact us if you have any enquiries.
Cynthia ZhaoChinese Marketing Executive Finance & Business TrainingLondon School of Business and FinanceGlobal University SystemsAddress: Sceptre Court, 40 Tower Hill, London, EC3N 4DX, United Kingdom微信和QQ: 2435118770Tel : +44 (0)7872934084 Fax : +44 (0) 845 337 3406Email : [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] Web : www.lsbf.org.uk, www.fbt-global.com, www.globaluniversitysystems.com

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