加拿大华人论坛 英国房产restaurant high street Suffolk


区域:ip4 1ha性质:个人生意类型:餐馆地税:4000年租:14400年期:4住宿:1泊车:1营业时间:7am-11pm总价:£14950面积:30电话:07999717907详情A beautiful Restaurant/cafe A3 located in the heart of Suffolk's town, Ipswich high street. Situated in the main town center adjoined by two leading retail outlets Superdrug; and &B&M store ;. this Restaurant/cafe is an elegant, homely, inviting space with hand crafted bespoke furniture and decor creating a relaxing atmosphere for all backgrounds. 
 * every day there are more than 10000 people walk by * there are more than 800 workers nearby include shops and office * every day there are more than 1500-2000 people pop in next B&M store * the cafe with A3 restaurant permits   * opening hour can be extended between 7am -11pm * just apply 2 tables and 6 seats outside or selling outside infront like hotdog van * the rent 1200£ per month plus vat,  * good for pie/roast/ English breakfast shop 
 The Restaurant/cafe seats 24  people internally and 6 people externally with room for expansion , it comprises a fully tiled kitchen with many electric sockets and worktops, kitchen storage, stair case with boiler, an upstairs hallway leading to upstairs kitchen/storage and a uni-sex toilet and allocated parking on roof for workers. The main area is well lit with spot lights and natural light from the shop front consisting of all glass, a modern and classy visual, finished with golden brown cladding. The shop also has a built in heating/air conditioning unit with dual settings, main water feeds and 20 amp electric supply. The owner opened their doors to the public at the end of March and had great response and feedback, reaching over 200 likes on social media with the opening, along with positive ratings on Google maps and social media. With UK roasted coffee beans supplied by Coffee World in Cambridge and indulged in sweet consumables from Brakes. 
Unfortunately due to family commitment and personal reasons means the business will now need to be sold, the Cafe has only been open for 4 or 5 days per week, from 10/11am to 3pm only. therefore financial information is minimal and turnover/profit is estimated. However the council bring a good news that the shop can be opened from 7am to 11pm daily as A3 restaurant permits included. However the cafe has made a turn over of £1000 some weeks since opening with no local media marketing. The Cafe has also not been open as much as needed due to family commitments. The café currently lease all white goods and machinery so this will not be included in the sale, Coffee World in Cambridge supply all coffee machines and beans at good rates. There are big plans in the area, a new school will be constructed in the near future as well as 36 apartments will be build opposite. The Cafe is part of a shopping center (Eastgate Center) with on site security and fire checks. The lease is 4 years and 1 months left,£1200 per month plus VAT. You can buying the right to take on the lease from the current business owners or sign new contract with the landlord. If new lease you will need a solicitor. Please call Din  on 07999717907 for more information.

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