加拿大华人论坛 英国工作招聘招全职办公室文员,正规物流公司
招聘岗位:办公室文员工作种类:办公室工作薪水:£9.0薪水类型:时薪支付周期:月付工作地点:Harborne West, 326 High Street, Harborne, Birmingham B17 9U联系人:Gary电话:01214774648邮箱:[email protected]详情Office based daily operation from start to end in oceanfreight, airfreight and E-commerce supply chain managementContact customer and suppliers,Issue invoices Legal status to work as full time staff.Report to manager and supervisorQuote to customersBe cooperative at team work and good multi-task management Familiar with computer work such as Microsoft office softwareIf you have interest, please send to us CV to [email protected]
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