加拿大华人论坛 出租与二手市场Host Family Nearby with Psychology Master Degrees from the U


Our host mother graduated with English Literature Degrees from the university in China and with Psychology Master Degrees from the USC in California, USA, currently practices with the social worker and Clinical Therapy licenses in the United States. Host father is graduated as Cisco networking computer engineer and working at home office in most time to provide transportation nearby. We have age of 15 yeas old American boy in high school with high academic scores. He is playing the leading basketball team in YMCA, piano, golf and love painting. He is calm, outgoing and love to help others.We have a lovely 11 years old girl from China, she studies here at 6 grades, she plays piano excellently, golf, tennis, loves swimming and painting.We are the Church-Going Christian Chinese family with Anglo-Saxon ancestry. Kids voluntarily work at church, we make it part of the family routine.( We do by our-self at first.)Majorly in English spoken, less in Chinese spoken in home but we can only if necessary. One of the family rule is the English spoken kids need to practice in Chinese on dinner table at home, versus the Chinese spoken kids need to practice speaking English in home, joyfully and dramatically to improve their bilingual skills in daily life.😇We also keep authentic Chinese foods as our mainfoods in the family. The kids come from China wouldn't worry about any dietary barriers.With psychology knowledge, we also play family game of KPI (Key Performance Indicator) voluntarily with excellent rewards for kids! 😋Also, with own experience of universities in United States, we are the parents able to provide professional tutoring for college preparation in detail of SAT, ACT.. etc.We are nearby the the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden, Santa Anita Race Track and Arcadia Mall near Pasadena California. We are the America-Chinese family and like to be the host family for the students coming from China. Welcome to check our daily family activities pictures on our Social mediaWechat, ID: USCNLAYou are welcome to come home to check out.Work Hard | Have Fun | Make World Peace

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·生活百科 太阳能分析数据刷新问题



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