加拿大华人论坛 出租与二手市场Pasadena,Glendale,La canada好学区,爱心寄宿
欢迎留学生单独或结伴入住,4卧2卫,单门出入,南加主流高尚社区,非华人聚居地区,独立别墅,环境优美,顶尖优质公立校区。近众多顶尖私立学校,毗邻Pasadena, Burbank, La Canada。距著名的Ar Center, Occidental College, Flintridge Prep,Sacred Heart 10分钟之内,距PCC帕莎迪纳社区大学和CalTech加州理工, 著名私立学校Poly, Westridge for girls, Chandler15分钟,有直达公车到Glendal Community College。房东友善,大学以上学历,爱自然,喜读书和音乐。我们熟悉美国小学至高中学业,社交,升学等事宜,可以帮助学生尽快适应新的环境,培养身心健康,独立,自律,成熟的性格,帮助学生平稳度过从孩子到成人的重要转变。有美国长大富有爱心学业优秀的初高中生帮助练口语,辅导阅读,互相学习交流。可以帮助报课外活动(体育,音乐,美术, 舞蹈等)附近有一流小,中,大学升学辅导补习机构,走路5分钟到哈佛学霸主办的大学升学辅导机构,学生随时可以得到专业指导。房间舒适,明亮整洁。包高速上网,水电,中英文电视,洗衣机,烘干机等。提供营养健康早,晚餐(午餐学校提供),节假日三餐,随时提供牛奶,面包,新鲜水果。协助出游,购物,20mi以内接送。欢迎有礼貌,爱整洁的学生垂询。联系方式: 微信joyglobal,请注明寄宿。Hosted by a well-educated caring Chinese family in a safe and lovely neighborhood. We enjoy healthy food, hiking and classic music. I cook authentic Chinese meals most of the time, and we enjoy other culture cuisin as well. Our kids are great readers, go to sports, music and art classes weekly. We can arrange after school activities for you if you are interested. Great tutoring centers nearby, you can access to extra academic help if need to.The following will be provided:- Transportation to and from school- Self-service laundry (washer and dryer)- Breakfasts and dinners- Wi-Fi- Furnished cozy bedroom with queen-sized bed- Private bathroom with direct accessHouse rules- Smoking in and around the home is not allowed- Pets are not allowed- Please shower by 10pm the latest- Please clean up after yourself; wash your own dishes, laundry, and keep theroom and bathroom tidy- Please respect others living in the same house by keeping it quiet duringlate hours, cleaning up after yourself, and taking out your own trash.
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