一间雅房出租,十一月一日可搬入。地点在Alhambra的Main St.与Mission Dr.路口附近。租金每个月$900。Wifi、水、电、瓦斯皆包含在租金内。入住时必须另付 security deposit $900,搬离时归还。房间不含家具。卫浴跟另一位室友(我)共用。如果您有停车需求的话,必须申请Alhambra的overnight street parking permit (一年$60)。附近街道停车位充足。备有洗衣机与烘衣机。厨房有瓦斯炉、烤箱、抽油烟机、洗碗机、冰箱可供使用。我是三十三岁上班族以及业馀DJ,平时轻松愉快好相处。目前有另外一个室友是Caltech PhD student跟她的先生。他们有一只猫。我们都说中文及英文。房子所在的地方生活机能非常好,靠近Caltech与PCC,附近有很多不错的餐厅、超市(Smart & Final, Sprouts, 大华, Ralphs)、公园,还有电影院。如果您有兴趣入住,欢迎随时传简讯给我(Alex)。请务必使用简讯,因为我平常不接不认得的号码的来电。One room for rent due to current roomate moving out of state. Move in Nov 1st, 2020. Right off Main St and Mission Dr. Rent is $900 a month plus one time security deposit of $900 which will be returned when you move out. All utilities including WiFi included in rent. Room is not furnished. Bathroom will be shared with me. Parking permit will be required to park over night for $60 for the entire year. Laundry inside house. Full access to kitchen. Must be ok with 1 cat.I'm a 33 year old professional working at Toyota. I also own a few businesses in automotive and in entertainment and music (I'm a DJ too). I'm very relaxed and accomodating within reason.Other roomate is a PhD student at CalTech with her husband.We both speak English and Chinese.Close to CalTech and Pasadena Community College. Main street has numerous restaurants and a theater. Plenty of supermarkets including Sprouts, Ralphs, and Asian markets within 5 min drive. Huge park (Almansor Park) within 5 min drive.If interested please text Alex. Please text because I tend to not answer to phonecalls from unknown numbers due to a high rate of spam calls.
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