加拿大华人论坛 出租与二手市场求 整租 rowalnd heights 周边


求租整租rowland, diamond bar 或是walnut周边 3房2浴 or 2房2浴 需带出库,能马上入住 租客信用好,少事,上班族,准时付房租。 预算2200-2500 麻烦留言给我,我会马上回覆您 谢谢🙏



Unit A, Unit B 15488 Cecelia st, Chino Hills, CA 91709   2 units in Chino Hills for rent, 2 Bedroom/1 bathroom each unit, $1700 and $1500 monthly   I try to do more clear that not confuse you. I post price is for Unit B. There are 3 units at this single house 7000 sf site. Unit A (2 bedroom 1 bathroom estimated 700 sft) is at front, Unit B (1 normal bedroom, 1 small bedroom estimated 10' x 7' is only good for a kid bedroom, 1 bathroom estimated -450sft) and Unit C are at rear. There are a front yard and a rear yard. Unit A door faces front yard ( North), Unit B door faces to rear yard(South). Unit C door faces west(currently rented. Note: current tenant has a big dog).   All 3 units access through the one front gate. Each unit has its own laundry at site. Washer and dryer are available or included, or you can use yours too. 3 units share utility (water, electric, gas and waste). Based on people limit Unit A max 4 2 adult and 2 kids; Unit B max 2 adult and 1 kid; Unit C max 2 adult, the utility sharing rate: Unit A 40%, Unit B 35% and Unit C 25%. Monthly rent as below. Monthly rent does not include any utility. Unit A: $1700 monthly, Unit B: $1500 monthly. Unit A Unit B: $2950b monthly. preferred Unit C: rented   1 packing space on the drive way for each unit. Other Parking on street side. No Pet (we are working with Unit C tenant about their dog), No Drag. Unit B remodel was completed and is ready for moving in. Unit A are scheduled for new paint and small repair and clean, can be available in a week.   If you are interested or questions, please send text message to 949-302-1012 or message through listing website. Phone call will be not answered. We open property at 1pm ~3pm on each Saturday afternoon, 11/14, 11/21, etc until rent out. If you see this list, means it is still available.   For any early tour the property, we need to received below your family information to arrange people to open the property for your: 1. husband and wife job, credit score for each  2. total family income monthly 3. How many kids and age for each 4. estimated moving date 5, looking for Unit A or Unit B   It is a ranch style old age house community. No association management. Good schools, Good neighborhood around. Applicant must pass credit and renter background check. For more details information about this city, this area, school etc, please do your own home work. Thank you for your reading and interested in.

  ·生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。
·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池



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单房出租 Alhambra 6街

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华人网诚求租公寓,1b1b或者2b2b,1b1b的预算在1500刀上下。2b2b只要条件好一些价格可以接受。最好是采光好的一层。地址位置不限。需要停车位、需要空调、需要有厨房。有合适的房源请短信我 ...



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