半岛摄影来于中国,十六年孕妇新生儿拍摄,中国大陆地区孕妇摄影的缔造者,全国拥有450家连锁机构。 我们一直遵循用艺术的视角记录平凡的感动。 创始人团队Jack 海和Ally王,举家落户洛杉矶,在la开始新的拍摄生活。 百万级徕卡经典相机艺术记录。 [email protected] 电话:9495729629 Peninsula photography came from China. Sixteen years of pregnant women and newborns were photographed. The founder of pregnant women photography in mainland China has 450 chains nationwide. We have always followed the artistic perspective to record ordinary touches. The founders, Jack Hai and King Aly, set up their family in Los Angeles to start a new shooting life in la. Mega Leica Classic Camera Art Record. [email protected] tel: 9495729629
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