加拿大华人论坛 出租与二手市场色狼预警


1. 搬进来头一个星期,6天都在看同一个选美的泳衣环节.The first week after I moved in here, he was watching the same pageant contest"s bikini section for 6 out of the 7 days.2. 我搬进来(搬进来第五日)的第一个周末在家, 他也没上班. 他在看台湾一个电视节目, 在街上问不同的年青少女 ”你认识一个男生多久才会跟他 XXX ?"; "你甚么时候最想 XXX?" 这是午饭时间,变态人渣把已经夹住一条菜的筷子在面前动也不动并在画面上的女生回答前抢答 ” 一个月!!!”, ”一个礼拜!!!”, ”一个下午!!!"Then over the first weekend after I moved in and he"s not working, he watches this Taiwanese show that asks girls on the street, " how long do you know a guy to have XXX with him?" (Another question to the girls is, "when do you want it most?) With a chopstick full of food, he holds it steady without any movement, then shouts out "one month! one week!" "One afternoon!" Before the girl on the screen would even answer.3. 这是个咸湿老坑, ( 说话不多于三句就发脾气), 发我俾气时, 他最小两次吵 "我只想租给女生的!!! 如果不是疫情无有租客, 我不会租俾你的,我净系想租俾女仔的!!!!!”This guy is an old pervert, as he gets irritated (frustrated after no more than 3 sentences), while yelling at me, for at least two times claimed "I only wanted to rent out to girls! If it wasn"t because of the padamic and its hard to find tenants, I wouldn"t rent to you!"4. 屋子有三个完整浴室, 我自己一个, 其馀两个都是他自己的, 这怪却每天早晚在厨房洗碗盘刷牙.- This house has three complete bathrooms, I use one in my room privately to myself, the other two is all his and used only by him. This disgusting 68yrs old fart brushes his teeth at the kitchen sink everyday, morning and night.5. (我经常整身黑车油都觉得这里邋遢, 那里会有女生想租你这里, 发你的咸梦吧)(我租的房, 房门有两个滑链锁, 我看如果有女生租这房间, 晚上忘记上这两个锁,他晚上一定会用他的后备钥匙入来. (短片就是他用后备匙不合法地进我房间的证据)(如果你子女看的房只住一个男人, 房门又有这么多重保障, 不要错觉以为这里特别安全, 这只是他控制自己的最后一道防线)I"m often covered fully in dark dirty oil, even I think this place is disgusting, how would any girl be willing to live at this place?!? (keep making your sicko dream!) My room (Master bedroom) has two sliding pin/chain lock. you can easily guess that he"ll enter your room with his spare key. (Indeed he did entered my room illegally with his spare key as proved in the video. ) especially when you"re sleeping at night and forgot to lock these chain locks. (If your child is ever looking to rent a place and there"s only this one man living in there but have so many layers of secuity, make sure you tell them not to get the false impression that there"s extra rebust security, it"s his last way of control himself from going in your room at night with his spare key.) rent and there"s only this one man living in there by with so many redundant layers of secuity, make sure you tell them not to get the false impression of false sense of security, it"s just his last extra roadblock to control himself from going in your room at night with his spare key.4. 厨房有苍蝇及跳蚤, 他不但不杀死它们, 还喂饲它们, 食物都是放出来好几个钟个不动, 喂跳蚤。There"s fruit fly and flea in the kitchen, instead of exterminating them, he feeds them daily by leaving his food uncovered for hours on ends.5.屋子甚么都很破烂, 残旧, 肮脏-Everything is broken, dirty, old, and worn out.6.窗帘看房时已经弯哂, 搬进来第七天, 果然一拉就断了. 告诉他, ”可否维修好?”. 变态人渣就立刻发脾气的閙 ”好好的房间是你把它弄坏的! 你自己修理好, 我不管!”-. The window blinds which was already all bent and curved when i looked at the house did break after just 7 days of moving in. Tell the perverted asshole landlord it"s broken, please fix it, he gets irritated and frustrated that "I" broke it. He responds with; "A perfectly good room and you messed it up! You fix it yourself, I don"t care!" and starts making fun of my mandarin "yern yern yern yern CANTOnese" (little kids complaining/ whining sound). Instead of discussing the issue.- I immediately recognize at this point, he purposely leaves his worn out or broken things stay in the house, have people move in and quickly push them to move awayi then collect their deposit for additional rent in addition to free house repairs.我: ”你不修理好窗帘, 那我搬走的时候你不就会扣我的按金?” 人渣: ”王八蛋, F 你老X, 你就系古语说的败家仔, 成日系屋企唔返工搵钱, 小小几佰蚊按金惊我扣你. 钱唔会从树上面跌落嚟㗎! 咁大个人唔去搵工做. 如果唔系因为疫情无租客,我唔会租俾你㗎,我净系想租俾女仔㗎渣!!!”I said "If you"re not gonna fix it, aren"t you going to deduct my deposit when I move?, he starts crying "LITTLE COUPLE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND YOU"RE WORRIED I"M GONNA TAKE YOUR MONEY, GO FIND A JOB AND WORK, MONEY DON"T FALL FROM TREES; WHAT ARE YOU DOING AT HOME ALL DAY"我: ”陈叔叔,你房的窗帘本来已经是弯,就快破的, 我搬进来之前已经拍了短片和照了相片.” 之后立刻对著我就没有再说话. 但是自己就不停自己对自己说 ”~~~~~#####门都没有~~~~~”I told him, " uncle chen, I recorded video and took pictures of the before move in condition. The window blinds was already all bent, about to break" He then immediately went quiet for that night in front of me but keeps saying to himself " something 门都没有" (I think in Mandarin that means "not a slight slim chance".)7. 整天在家不穿上衣, 也不穿外裤... 只有内裤.He doesn"t wear a shirt or pants at home all the time, only his boxers.8. 厨房垃圾桶总是要放在我放东西的门外, 其他柜门里面都没有东西的,因为只有我这一个租客Kitchen"s trash can is always moved in front of the cabinet door that I use, blocking me from opening the doors. Other cabinet doors have nothing inside as I"m the only tenant and he moves the trash cans to block mines daily.9. 大门口只有我出入, 这人渣晒衣服时是把整个门口挡住, 完全没有专重别人.When this scumbag hangs his cloths to dry, he blocks off the entire main entrance where it"s my only entrance/exit, have complete zero respect for other people.10. 他看电视及电脑都很大声, 我关着房门也清楚听得到. 跟他说你电视很大声. 他会反转来说"只是因为你大声所以我才开大声点!" (尝试解释给他听我没有大喇叭,不可能开得到大声, 他当然不能明白, 比小朋友的脾气还差). 很多时候我根本什么都没有播.Whenever he watch TV or watch videos on the computer, it"s so loud you can hear it with my bedroom door closed. He makes the excuse "I only turn it up because you were loud first! (I try to explain to him I can"t possibly be loud because I don"t have large loud speakers, he of course unable to understand as well. Worst than a child"s mentality), and in most occasion, I"m not even playing anything(zero noise).11. 日日打开啲窗唔关呢到开泠气, 地球污染, 破坏得咁快咁犀利, 利害. 各位夏天咁热, 冬天咁冻. 就系因为呢啲咁嘅自私变态人渣老坑. 他会一个人在家不关窗开一整天泠气, 看到我回家之后大概五分钟就关泠气. 不过最开心嘅系如果老坑回家时我已经在家的话, 他就不会开泠气. 让他不能去污染地球真开心, 反正我不怕热的 (坐过我车的就知道). 看到你想害人不成, 反而自己受罪,真系普天同庆Everyday he open up the house"s windows to use the A/C; our global environmental destruction and resulting climate change have large effects from tools such as this one. If he"s at home and sees me go home, he"ll turn off the A/C within 5 minues, If i"m already home when he gets home, he won"t use the A/C. Disallowing him from polluting the world is so joyous, I"m not scared of the heat (those who sat in my car can testify), Seeing you unsuccessfully try to make others surfer but make yourself surfer is so joyous.12. 我还在吃晚饭,人渣一声也不问就关了饭厅灯. 我望着他, 他没有半点对不起反说 ”看甚么看, x你妈!”I was still eatting dinner in the dining room, he closes the lights without saying one word, I look at him without saying anything, instead of being apologetic, he screams at me instead "What are you looking at?! X your m@m"13. 九月六日, 晚上十一时, 温度很高,我房门是打开的, 电脑也是还在播 YouTube. 我看见他上二楼, 我立即把 YouTube 关上 (我知道声音会影响他睡觉). 他开了以10几分钟冷气, 关上冷气之后就不带口罩站在我房门閙 "你不懂专重别人吗? 你房的光会影响到睡觉!!!)sept 6, 11pm, it"s a very hot night my room"s door is opened, watching no video. I see him come up to second story to turn on ac, . So i immediately turned off my YouTube(aware the sound would be disturbing when he go to sleep). A few minutes later he shuts off the AC and yelled at me " do you know how to respect other people?!? How hard is it to close your door (the lights from my room seeps pass his closed door)14. 九月七日昨晚深夜閙我后, 这天早上开始, 他把所有家俬都搬开来吸尘. 下午吸尘完成之后就自己跟自己说 ”adios!(西斑牙语的再见), 只会吃! X你妈(Mandarin) ,Yern yern yern yern广东话。。。 (耻笑广东话mocking Cantonese) x你老母(In Cantonese), (then in english), 乾m@m爹(lastly in thai for x your mom)" (Total in 4 languages)(自觉那么乾净的房子现在一定有女生租啦!)Sept 7th. After screaming at me late night yesterday, he moved all the furniture away from the center of their rooms and starts vaccumming in the morning. After he"s done in the afternoon, he says to himself "Adios, only knows how to eat, X your m@m (first in Mandarin, then Cantonese, then in English and lastly in Thai)" (must be self believing, house so clean now, a girl will rent with me now!)15. 九月八日 早上八时 sept 8, 8:00am 吸尘日之后的早上, 客廰留下了他昨晚拿出来的第一本色情刊物. (开始全面咸梦上脑).Sept 8th, Morning after vaccum day yesterday, the first ever 18+ magazine appeared, must have been yesterday night"s remain. ( Full pervert mode began)16. 九月九日 sept 9 出现第二本色情刊物Sept 9, the second 18+ magazine appeared17. 九月十一日早上-客厅重现第一本色情刊物sept 11 - the first 18+ magazine reappeared in the living room18. 九月二十五日 出现第三本色情刊物-Sept 25, The third 18+ magazine appears.19. 九月二十五日, 晚上我在煮晚饭时, 他在看我本来以为是一套绑架了女角色及正在强奸她的电影. 到我在房间吃完晚饭下来, 这情节还在上影, 这时我才想到这不是电影. 更变态是他在看这18+片时, 他也发出女角色相似的声音Sept 25, When i was cooking dinner in the eveing, he was watching what i originally throught was a movie where the female character was kiddnapped and being raped. After finishing dinner in my room and walked back down to wash dishes, it was still playing, it was then I realize this is no movie scene. Thre most psychotic thing is that he was making similar sound to what the female character was making.20. 九月二十六日 出现第四本色情刊物sept 26, 2020 the fourth 18+ magazine appears.21. 九月二十六日 下午一点零二分, 我相机拍下了他在我不在家时用后备钥匙进入我房间的证据.Sept 26, 2020 1:02Pm, My camera recorded him going in my room with spare key while I"m not home.22. 九月二十七日 我在加热我的晚饭时, 一定是阻挡著他看18+片, 他又等不了. 播了18+ 几秒就停下, 走了上楼上房间. 等著我拿著晚饭, 一上到楼上就大叫吓閙我 "What the F###!! What the F@@@!!! What the F%%%!!!"Sept 27, 2020 I was reheating dinner, while he must have couldn"t hold off, he turned on an 18+ adult videos a for few seconds, I must have been in the way of things, he stopped it, walked upstairs into his bedroom and hid. As I barely got to the stair"s top carrying my food into my room, he jumps outta his room to scare me and kept screaming "What the F###!! What the F@@@!!! What the F%%%!!!"24. 九月二十八日第五本色情杂志出炉 (他吸尘之后基本每天有一本)Sept 28, 20 Fifth 18+ magazine (Practically a new magazine everyday after vaccum day)25. 九月二十八日 下午五时五十七分 很大力打我房门Sept 28, 20 5:57pm bangs on my door extremely hard26. 十月一日 向我扔汽水罐Oct 1, 20 threw soda can at me27. 十月四日 把上网拔掉Oct 4, 20 he unplugged the internet.白痴地甚本每次跟他说话都对我发脾气说 "回去中国!"( 谁只可以用中文沟通? 这人渣没有用英文沟通的能力)。 试过很多次我想跟他说话, 一两句之后他居然跟我说 "不要跟我说你的中国共产党中文" 我立刻转说英文, 我说一句英文后他就会转身离开。- retardedly almost everytime i speak to him; he screams and yell to me "go back to China" guess who speaks in China"s mandarin exclusively?(he can"t really communicate in English) Lots of times when I try to talk to him, he would ridiculously ask me to "don"t speak to me in your communist china"s chinese". I immediately talk in straight english, he turns away after my first English sentence; continue speaking to himself in mandarin.28. 十月十六日- 午饭时间 一点多 - 这老伙子己经超越咸湿. 他在楼下播 18+片大声到我在楼上关上了房门都清楚, 大声听到.Oct 16, 20-Lunch time 1pm-ish This guy is beyond ridiculously preverted. He"s playing porn downstairs so loud, I hear it loud and clear upstairs with door closed.29. 十月十六日 下午两点五十多分, 我房门打开的, 他强行进来, 我挡着他也进到了房间中心, 推跌了我很多很多东西.Oct 16, 20 - 2:50pm-ish my room door was open, he forced himself into my room, even I stood to block him, he was able to reach into the middle of the room. Many things was knocked over. As I finally was able to push him back outwards, he saw we reached the door and changed his eye"s focus at the door and wanted to reach the door, attempting to slam the door on me so I can be pinned and hurt by the slamming door. Police was called at 3pm.Unable to communicate in english to the police, need a chinese translator to talk to the police.30. 十月二十日我回房间后没有把钥匙从门钥拿走, 这人渣抛弃走我的钥匙.Oct 20- I forgot to pull out my keys after unlocking my room door, this perverted scumbag took away and threw away my keys.31. 十月二十四日第六本色情杂志出现Oct 24, 6th 18+ adult magazine appears如果你有碰上过这人, 可以留言分享一下吗? 没有的,希望你能顺利地避开这陷阱.If you dealt with this person before, want to share? if you haven"t, hope you can escape this trap.



我是女的,在EL Monte 合租过一家人的房子,里面有一家五口人,那个老男人穿一条三角内裤晚上在我面前晃来晃去的真吓人。单身女的千万不要和单身男的租一起特别是老男人,很变态。


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