加拿大华人论坛 出租与二手市场1B1B出租,拎包入住,In West LA,Culver City area,近 SMC /
Nice bedroom with bathroom in a guest house will be available 4/16/2021, and Located at Palms/Sepulveda/Venice Blvd 附近 . It is nicely furnished room with Full-size bed, closet, desk, and chair i.e.. It's easy to access local restaurants, grocery stores (Trader Joe's CVS ), Mar Vista Park. 就近有bus站,very convenient to reach (15-20 minutes ) UCLA by big blue bus #12, #17; green bus #6 ( it is LAX to UCLA bus), and to Beach , LA downtown, union station by Metro bus #733,#33 and #333. Both 3- 5 mins walk to the bus stop. Rent is $920/month, it included internet, gas, electricity, water, i.e.. cost. ( 包Wireless Internet,垃圾费, 煤气费, 电费和水费,街道免费停车) Deposit is $300. Responsible non-smoke,non-drink one welcome to contact at 310-876-9207 or WeChat: bentleyave ! 欢迎看房. 联系时请一定说明是在洛杉矶华人资讯网看到的,谢谢
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