加拿大华人论坛 美国房产买卖东方杀虫公司(Eastern Termite & Pest Control)
需要房屋买卖时的证明吗?需要房屋消毒吗?需要部分白蚁消毒吗?需要白蚁检查吗?请您拨打东方杀虫公司免费服务热线:1-800-434-1662本公司为上百家房地产经纪人做过房屋买卖时的证明文件并顺利买卖房屋。并且以诚实守信,安全守法为准则,以雄厚的技术为基础,保证所用的药物是高效低毒丶环保,安全。为您提供一个健康,无害的场所。还提供多国家语言服务,列如韩语丶汉语丶英语丶西班牙语。 本公司会为您提供最优惠丶最满意的价格。本公司的特别的服务有:• 防治害虫(住家内外,公司,餐馆,办公室,宾馆,娱乐场所。。。)• 白蚁检查 (免费检查)• 消除房屋的发霉状况• 修复工作• 做房屋检查证明文件本公司拥有一批高素质的技术人员和多位资深专家及专业施工团队,精心施工,安全高效,优质服务。本公司服务的项目有:o 白蚁• 烟熏消毒法(Fumigations)• 部分白蚁消毒(Local treatments)• 第三方房屋检查报告(Real Estate &Escrow Documentations)• Water Conservation Certificationo 防治中心• 臭虫 ,蟑螂,蚂蚁,蜜蜂,鸽子,蜘蛛• 跳蚤,地鼠,老鼠, 动物的搬迁,其他害虫o 发霉• 检查, 消除, 修复Need Real Estate/Escrow Documentation? Fumigation?Local Termite Treatment? A Termite Inspection?Call Eastern Termite & Pest Control 323.373.9992.Eastern has worked with hundreds of real estate agents to ensure a smooth escrow transition. We get agents like you the papers and documentation they need, when they need it. We invite you to continue turning houses into safe homes with us.Eastern has earned the trust and business of its customers by providing honest, effective services to business and home owners of all backgrounds. To provide you better service our staff speaks Korean, Spanish and English to ensure your clients are satisfied with their treatment. Our staff will walk you through each step of the pricing process, work with you to find a plan that fits your budget and use only the highest rated professional pest solutions. Our specialties include:• PEST CONTROL • REPAIR WORK• TERMITE INSPECTIONS• MOLD REMOVAL • REAL ESTATE/ESCROW DOCUMENTATIONEastern will work with you to find not just a solution, but your solution, whether the concern of your clients is the environment, affordability or the protection of loved ones. Eastern offers odorless treatments allowing clients the convenience of staying home during treatment, child and pet-proof bait stations to ensure peace of mind, as well as non-injuring rodent traps and non-chemical flytraps for the environmentally conscious. Our services include:Termite: Pest Control: Mold:• Fumigations• Local Treatments• Real Estate & Escrow Documentation(s)• Water Conservation Certification • Bedbugs• Cockroaches• Bees• Pigeons• Fleas• Gophers• Rodents• Animal Removal• All unwanted pests• Inspection• Elimination• Repairs• General Construction***Call today for a free quote on pest control or a free termite inspection. 董事长:Chris ShinEastern Termite& Pest Control:1-800-434-1662E-mail:[email protected]
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