加拿大华人论坛 美国房产买卖三明治店 有hood 低价转让


现正常经营中,地处繁华地段(不在Little Tokyo Villege内), 760sq,租金: $3,442 CAM: $800.设备齐全崭新,有Hood和Grease interceptor资产和业务转让,无债权债务,只需更改店名,可以培训。1个part time,1个full time员工。卖价: $99,000, 付款马上可以交接年收入: $210,000现营业周一至周六,只做午餐11:00am-3:30pm,有很大增收潜力。可保留现有三明治或改作其他形式的餐馆。有意请发邮件联系:[email protected](免中介,非诚勿扰)Price: $99,000 Down: $50,000 Revenue: $210,000 RENT: $3,442 CAM: $800.LEASE: Ends August 31, 2019 and One(1), Five (5) year term.The restaurant space is located in Little Tokyo in a center in Downtown L.A. Corner location with approximately 760 sq.The space is Turnkey, comprises of the Kitchen area, 3 separate rooms about 6 x 8 each ideal for storage/private office or sales station plus the Dining Area featuring a custom made counter and sitting stations built all around the room for easy eat and go (includes 6 under the counter stools).EQUIPMENT LIST (new everything):A/C: Carrier 50QEH060,1 Hood: Type II (Loren Cook Company 100SON 1/2HP) ,1 Grease interceptor (MIFAB MI G 5 25GPM),1 under-counter freezer: Arctic Air AUC48F,1 Refrigerator: True T-49, 1 Convection Oven Nu Vu RM-5T V-Air ,1 Impinger/Conveyor Toaster: TuTurboChef HHC2020 VNTLSS, High h Conveyor 2020TM,2 Panini Grills: 1 Star Grill ExpressTM Two-Sided Panini Grilland 1 Waring Tostato Supremo,1 sandwich prep table: True TSSU-60-24M-B-ST Mega Top Sand/Salad Unit1 New work top refrigerator1 Meat Slicer: Hobart Model 2912 1/2 HP heavy duty,1 Food Processor: Robot Coupe R2,2 blenders: 1 Ninja Professional 1100 Watts and 1 Waring Commercial Hand Blender,1 Soup Warmer Kettle: Thunder Group 11 QT,3 custom made steel worktables,2 Push Carts: 1 Metro Utility Plastic and 1 Volrath Stainless Steel,1 64" Mobile Sheet Pan Rack,10 Dry Storage Metro Shelves : (18x36) x 5 each, (18x42) x 3 each, (18x60) x 2 each.1 Ice Machine:Ice 1/2 1/2O 1/2 1/2Matic Model No. HISU070FA,1 Video Surveillance System with 7 cameras and 1 DVR.1 All In One Laser Printer: Brother MFC-8710DW,1 Music System: Samsung R3 Speaker1 6 foot locker,1 Air Curtain: Mars 36 CH-OThe Outdoor eating area has 3 tables and 5 chairs.

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