加拿大华人论坛 美国房产买卖出售Torrance 电脑维修和零售店
本电脑店已经在此十二年, 位于(Torrancearea)客源稳定, 人口密集的白人区, 交通方便, 店里设备齐全, 无需再重新装修, 接手即可营业赚钱, 并且可以续约。有意当上老板, 尽情发挥您实现人生理想,商机无限, 本人出售这家电脑维修和零售店, 本人将会退休, 只能忍痛割爱 有意者联系626-482-5005 李先生 or [email protected] This computer store has been in this location for over 12 years. It's located in the Torrance area with a densely population areas. The store is fully equipped and no need to redecorate. business opportunities are unlimited if you become a boss, I sell this computer repair and retail store, I will be retire, can only reluctantly cut love, interested in contact me at 626-482-5005 Mr. Lee or email me [email protected]
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