加拿大华人论坛 美国房产买卖Eastvale地区 儿童室内游乐场转让,可做 after schoo
High rated indoor playground, ready to grow, AAA location LOW COST, SUPER EASY TO MAINTIAN. Located in a busy traffic area with In n Out, Bowling alleys, and medical center. The business is well established in the community and is known as the "go to" place for children to play and learn. 位于NORCO繁华地段, 毗邻In N Out, 保龄球馆,医疗中心。覆盖区域城市包括Eastvale, corona, chino, ontario. 室内面积2300sf,月租金$4100 盈利空间大,除了收门票还可开设周中幼儿早教班,周末生日会。有独立教室,可申请执照做课后补习班. 联系电话 951-790-7919
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