加拿大华人论坛 美国房产买卖FBA换标$0.19/pc大优惠延期至6月底,CHINO仓库分租及
本公司坐落于美国洛杉矶地区Chino,拥有近30,000平方英尺的标准仓库,仓库地理位置优越,在60号和71号高速交叉拐角的东北侧。 因公司经营业务模式略有变化,现可提供仓库的其中约1/4(约7500平方英尺)的面积对外分租。 在场地出租的同时,本公司提供免费叉车等基础工具丶网络丶正常的用电/用水及垃圾废弃场所。 在使用本公司场地时可优先使用本公司员工进行进仓丶卸柜丶上架丶发货等作业项目,作为更深层次的合作,本公司可以代理运营业务。 租金优惠,在本地非常具有竞争力。可以选择的其它收费服务费用也可提供非常优惠的价格。7月2019年之前合作的另在优惠的基础上有30%的折扣。 欢迎垂询联络。 注明:分租区域约1~3个月可以空出场地。 现本公司针对亚马逊换标大优惠,每件只收取$0.19/pc ,并免入库和出库费用,同时也免首2周的仓储费。此优惠延期至6月底2019年,心动不如马上行动,联系方式请见下方,期待与您的合作。 Our company is located near greater Los Angeles area in the city of Chino, we have over 30,000 sqf warehousing facility, very conveniently located near interstate 60 freeway, located on the North East corner where the 60 and 71 freeway intersects. We are currently offering about 1/4 of the square footage (approx. 7500 sqf) in our warehouse for rent, as well as an office (approx 143 sqf). During rental period we provide basic warehouseequipmentsuch as forklift, tools for normal usage.Basic internet, power, water and trash are included. We also prioritize our warehouse staff to help with loading, unloading, inbound and outbound services. We also provide in depth cooperations in selling andmarketing. We provide competitive rates and excellent location and friendly staff. And extra 30% in the May 2019. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us, thank you. Note: Rental space will be available within 1-3 months upon request. Now the company is offering a largediscountfor Amazon's rebranding, which only charges $0.19/pc, and is free of inbound and outbound fees, as well as the first two weeks of storage. This offer is postponed until the end of June 2019, and it is better to act immediately. Please see below for contact information and look forward to working with you. 公司名称:CB E-COMMERCE INC 联系人:Allan Yuan 6265596189 邮箱:[email protected] 或 [email protected] 地址:12240 East End Ave, Chino, CA 91710
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