加拿大华人论坛 美国房产买卖$2000 转让补习学校 Monterey Park 20个学生
▶ 奇宝学院(KIBO Academy)成立于2008年,专精小学到高中各种课程补习,SAT辅导,大学申请辅导等。 ▶ 学院位于Garvey大道黄金段,位置佳,附近学校众多,交通及停车非常方便。手续齐全,教学设备完善,生源稳定,接手即可招生开业,诚心转让,价格可议。 电话:626-560-2580 网址:www.kiboacademy.com 地址:846 E Garvey Ave, Ste B, Monterey Park Successful and profitable tutoring school for sale in Monterey Park! Founded in 2008, KIBO Academy is dedicated to helping students achieve their full academic potential. We are locally recognized as a leader in the academic fields. KIBO Academy is committed to helping students succeed in their learning from grade school to high school. In addition, our top-rated SAT classes are taught in the small group offering flexible scheduling. ▶ Prime location with ample parking in one of the high-income demographic neighborhoods ▶ Good school system, dense with elementary to high school-aged children ▶ Simple to operate ▶ Outstanding reputation ▶ Facilities need no upgrading
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