加拿大华人论坛 美国房产买卖我爱我家装修 Home Decoration
致力于室内外装修三十多年, 具有熟练的操作技术和丰富的经验。多年从事加建,翻新,地板砖丶墙砖,内外墙油漆, 水丶电维修,木地板,橱柜丶大理石台面, 卫浴改造 等,若有需要请致电,626-263-4799 我们将以最快的速度为您提供最优质的服务!!!I have been decorating houses for more than 30 years and am good at building out and expanding, renovating, flooring, painting, making closets, and so on. Please call me if you need any help with decoration. My phone number is 626-263-4799. I will provide the best service.
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