加拿大华人论坛 美国房产买卖需要室外室内设计的麻烦与我联系,电话:315
<p>L.I.U景观设计有限公司(L.I.U. Landscapearchitecture, inc. )在当今设计及工程领域中有着自己诸多方面的优势,包括可持续发展规划丶城市更新丶绿色节能设计丶生态保护和重建丶节水景观设计与营造等。 公司主要运营范围有园林景观设计丶住宅设计丶商业广场设计丶公园和游憩规划丶游乐园和动物园设计丶风景旅游区设计丶历史保存,建筑设计丶室内设计丶城市规划丶乡镇规划丶区域规划丶道路设计丶公共空间设计丶节水植物设计丶庭院设计丶环境恢复丶敷地计划丶土地分析等。L.I.U景观设计事务所是从自然大地的人文地景设计到城乡丶社区丶居家的环境规划的专业设计公司。 公司职责具体细化到:1.撰写项目计划书和设计规范,提出设计概念和表现形式,标出场地尺寸与现场考察2.民用住宅丶商业设计和公众基础设施设计3.雨水管理和喷灌系统设计,包括湿地丶屋顶花园和渠道设计4.校园丶商业楼和博物馆景观设计5.公园,植物园,树木园,林荫道路和自然蜜饯设计6. 主题乐园丶体育设施丶休闲设施如高尔夫球场等设计7.住房地区丶工业园和商业发展规划8.高速公路运输结构,桥梁和运输走廊设计9.都市设计丶城镇规划和城市广场丶江边丶步行街及停车场规划10.大或小城市振兴计划11.森林,旅游区丶历史的风景区和庭院的评估和保护研究12.水库,水坝,发电站可提取产业应用的开垦或主要工业项目12.环境评估并且风景评估计划的忠告和土地管理提案。13.沿海和近海发展14.农业土地规划15.细节景观设计,如雕塑丶入口丶庭院丶室内等。L.I.U. Landscape architecture, inc. has outstanding superiority on sustainable design, urban planning, green energy saving design, ecosystem protection and reconstruction and desert landscape design etc.The scope of the profession includes:Landscape design; residential design; commercial and plaza design; park and recreation planning and design; design of amusement park and the zoo; scenic areas design and historical preservation; architecture design; interior design, urban planning, town planning, site planning, transportation design, public space design, the water friendly plant design, garden design, stormwater management, green infrastructure design, environmental restoration, land analysis, etc. L.I.U landscape architecture firm is a professional design is the design of outdoor public areas, landmarks, and structures to achieve environmental, social-behavioral, or aesthetic outcomes. It involves the systematic investigation of existing social, ecological, and geological conditions and processes in the landscape, and the design of interventions that will produce the desired outcomeThe company responsibility concrete elaboration to:· Propose a specific projectplan with design specification, design concept and graphic of the streetview.(include site visit and site measurement)· Residential design,commercial design and public infrastructure· Sustainable development· Stormwatermanagement, including rain gardens,green roofs, groundwater recharge and treatment wetlands· Campus, commercial buildings and site design for public institutionsand government facilities· Parks, botanicalgardens, arboretums, greenways, and nature preserves· Recreation facilities;i.e.: playgrounds, golf courses, theme parks and sports facilities· Housing areas, industrialparks and commercial developments· Estate and residence landscape master planning and design· Highways, transportation structures, bridges, and transit corridors· Urban design, town and city squares, waterfronts, pedestrian schemes,and parking lots design· Large to small urban revertilization, planning and design· Natural park, touristdestination, and recreating historical landscapes, and historic gardenappraisal and conservation studies· Reservoirs, dams, power stations, reclamation of extractive industry applications ormajor industrial projects and mitigation· Environmental assessment and landscape assessment, planning advice and land management proposals.· Coastal and offshoredevelopments and mitigation· EcologicalDesign any aspect of design thatminimizes environmentally destructive impacts by integrating itself withnatural processes and sustainability· Rural landscape design· Detail landscape design:i.e.: sculpture, entrance, front yard, backyard design, interior design etc. </p>
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