经过几个月奔波和锲而不舍的努力, Gloria团队最终帮助晏先生一家在华人喜爱的圣盖博(S. Arroyo Drive #A )购得一套4房3浴城市屋,并在今天成功收房。让我们一起为晏先生一家人送上最诚挚的祝福,恭祝他们在中国农历年2月8日这个大吉大利的日子顺利入住,在这个美好社区丶美丽新家开始他们崭新的生活!您的经纪萧兰。Congratulations toMr. Yan and Mrs Yan!
Happily, severalmonths’ endeavors of Gloria Xiao and her team with Mr and Mrs Yan , come to today’s closingof S. Arroyo Drive #A San Gabriel, a quiet neighborhood and fantastic place tolive and raise family! Let’s celebrate with Mr and Mrs Yan the moving-in on the8th of Feb Chinese Lunar New Year at the lucky moment. All the best wishes tothe couple to begin with their brand new life. Your agent -Gloria Xiao.联系时请一定说明是在洛杉矶华人资讯网看到的,谢谢
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