天使之城—-洛杉矶东区的安大略 Ontario 独立屋 全新楼盘!现在买马上赚!地点极佳,5分钟内可至附近超市丶商圈,建身房丶医院丶餐厅丶近Costco 交通方便,工作机会多.现在预订三个月可交屋! 本小区提供会所丶公园丶 BBQ Area丶足球场丶豪华泳游池丶豪华会所丶Ontario New Single Family House3-4 房Bedrooms 2.5-3 浴Bath 2 双车库car garage 1800 呎sqft $451,1154 房Bedrooms 3 浴Bath with Loft 2 双车库car garage 2096 呎sqft $474,505Feature as standard pre-wiring for a flat-screen television with multimedia outlet in each great room, TV and data outlet combinations in dens, lofts or bedrooms. The homes have been thoughtfully designed to look at the connectivity of the spaces and WiFi spaces. In addition, tech packages will add even more options. lose to major Ontario and Rancho Cucamonga job centers, it also offers easy access to cities all along I-15, SR 60 and I-10 for easy commutes to L.A., Riverside and eastern San Bernardino counties. Or kick back and take the Metrolink from the Ontario Station.
预约联系看房,卖房/买房/商业投资/贷款谘询/不查收入贷款/房屋出租 .专精加州豪宅,海景房,学区房致力于为客户提供最专业的服务,打造最理想的结果! 我们一直在用不懈的努力,提高我们的为服务流程和水平,为你的成功保驾护航!欢迎联系我们中文专线 1-626/262-1488.微信:howardreaLINE:howardreaHOA $113/month, community swimming pool, SPA, BBQ, GYM, Computer room, Study Room, Theater and even more.... Please contact Howard for showing appointment 626-262-1488
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