洛杉矶东区快速发展,都到卡腾了,全新社区独立屋Colton New Single Family House(Next to Rancho Cucamonga/Ontario, Low HOA, Low Property tax)在牧谷市和安大略的近邻.3 房Bedrooms 2.5 浴Bath 2 双车库car garage 1731 呎sqft $372,4003 浴Bedrooms 2 浴Bath 2 双车库car garage 1717 呎sqft $387,0203-4 房Bedrooms 2.5 浴Bath 2 双车库car garage 1932 呎sqft $401,1404-5 房Bedrooms 2.5-3 浴Bath 2 双车库car garage 2265 呎sqft $427,910To suite individual lifestyles, lofts can be converted into additional bedrooms, or a downstairs bedroom in Plan Four can become a den. Walking paseos and has a variety of pocket parks along with HOA amenities such as BBQ and Picnic areas, a tot lot, and community pool. Easy freeway access in an excellent regional location connects you to employment centers and adventure throughout San Bernardino and Riverside.
预约联系看房,卖房/买房/商业投资/贷款谘询/不查收入贷款/房屋出租 .专精加州豪宅,海景房,学区房致力于为客户提供最专业的服务,打造最理想的结果! 我们一直在用不懈的努力,提高我们的为服务流程和水平,为你的成功保驾护航! 欢迎联系我们中文专线 1-626/262-1488. 微信:howardrea LINE:howardrea社区管理费HOA $146.50/month, property tax only 地税1.285%,please contact Howard for showing appointment 626-262-1488
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