天普5房5浴Coming Soon! Very hot!!!🍻🎉🎁 联系电话 626-410-5786 微信 derek399521 5945 Hart Ave, Temple City CA 91780 3,672 sqft, 14720 sqft 天普学区 5 beds, 5 bath (1 bedroom downstair, 3 Suites) + 900 sqft enclosed patio (not included in original sqft) + an attached area with separate access 2 beds, 1 bath, kitchen, living area (Looks about 1,000 sqft, not included in original sqft) + Huge beautiful backyard with 70 fruit trees RBID starts at $1,500,000
·生活百科 Sigenergy vs Tesla
·生活百科 蠕虫便便