$814000 4905 Glickman Ave, Temple City 91780 占地面积: 3231平方英尺 建筑面积: 1628平方英尺 修建年份: 2018 MLS代码: WS18182996 房屋类型: Single Family House 户型介绍 卧房: 4 卫生间: 3 停车位: 3 所在城市: Temple City 所在州: California 所在郡: Los Angeles 物业管理费[月]: $159 空调系统: Central 邮政编码: 91780 供热方式: Central 房屋介绍 Location, Location, Location!!! The important thing always needs to speak three times!!! 9 unit detached condos located in convenient location of Temple City. It is rare opportunity to find this place at this great pricing range. Take a no-obligation tour, you will love this place!!! 全新独立屋上市,交通便利丶生活方便,环境安全宁静。不可错失的全新独立屋购买机会! 联系方式 Phone: 6266956926 (Grace 王徽) E-mail: [email protected]
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