$875000 1661 Sunnyhill Drive, Monterey Park, CA 9175 占地面积: 8832平方英尺 建筑面积: 1848平方英尺 修建年份: 1957 状态: 已上市 房屋类型: Single Family House 户型介绍 小学学区: Alhambra Unified-Brightwood 中学学区: Alhambra Unified-Brightwood 高中学区: Arcadia Unified-Mark Keppel High 卧房: 4 卫生间: 2 停车位: 2 所在城市: Monterey Park 所在州: California 所在郡: Los Angeles 空调系统: Wall/Window Unit 邮政编码: 91754 供热方式: Central 房屋介绍 Location, Location, Location. This home sits on a hillside of Monterey Park ready for you to create your dream house. The kitchen was recently remodeled and updated with white cabinets and granite counter tops. With a little TLC, this home will be a gem for your growing family. Brightwood Elementary is just a short walk away. If you are a contractor, hobbyist or just need some extra storage, you will love the extended workshop off the garage. Could also have the potential to be an Additional Dwelling Unit. This large corner lot home is surrounded by fruit trees and has RV parking to add to the appeal. 位置,位置,位置! 这所房屋坐落在蒙特利公园的山坡上,随时为您打造梦想的房子。 最近对厨房进行了改建,并更新了白色橱柜和花岗岩台面。 只需一点点再装修,这个房子将是和您的家庭一同成长的宝石。 Brightwood Elementary小学距离房子仅几步之遥。 如果您是承包商,业余爱好者或仅需要一些额外的存储空间,您会喜欢车库外的扩展车间。 也有可能成为额外的住宅单位。 这个大的角落家园被果树包围,并设有房车停车位以增加吸引力。 联系方式 Grace Wang 王徽 Phone: 6266956926 E-mail: [email protected]
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