这座气派又特别的的别墅位于南加州最有声望的学区之一( 距离10分的小学不到1迈,9分的中学不到1.5迈,9分的高中只有3迈), 地处阿凯迪亚最幽静的地理位置。房屋面积约为418平方米(4499平方尺),总占地面积约为3499平方米(37658平方尺)。拥有前院,后院,三个车库和私家车道。住宅内安装了中央空调,暖气,电梯,和单独的洗衣房。玄关处的前厅铺有大理石地面,内部的客厅宽敞明亮,阳光充足,铺有亮面木地板。餐厅丰富的空间可供举行较大的聚会和宴请亲友,从餐厅的一侧可以通往有着美丽山景的前院,无遮挡。开放式厨房安有花岗石台面,大量的上层储物空间和下层橱柜,以及嵌入式灶台,双烤箱,洗碗机,垃圾箱等设备。家庭房装有现代化的壁炉,吧台和储物柜。古典优雅的书房内有着嵌入式红木书柜和大型壁炉。二层的卧房全部带有木地板和空间充足的衣橱,每间卧室都可以通往房外的长廊式阳台。主卧还带有壁炉,水疗浴缸,淋浴和桑拿间。私密且宽敞的后院种植着高大的树木和茂盛的草坪,是你锻炼身体的好去处。如果想看房,因为现在是疫情非常时期,请先登入网站https://2131canyon.com,如果有问题,请打电话 Sherry 818-532-8106 Opportunity Knocks! This stunning private estate is located in one of Southern California's most prestigious school districts. The entry opens to a spacious foyer with marble floors that lead to a formal living room featuring tray ceilings, base moldings, gleaming hardwood flooring and crystal light fixtures. The formal dining room offers ample room for large gatherings with friends and family, offering picturesque courtyard with stunning mountain views through French glass doors. Unleash your inner chef in this tastefully updated eat-in kitchen that boasts ample granite countertop space, generous storage space in upper and lower wood cabinetry, and built-in appliances that include cooktops, double ovens, dishwasher, and trash compactor. The family room is the perfect place to retreat with a modern fireplace, wet bar and kitchen pull-through. The den/library offers an old world elegance with it's rich mahogany built-in bookcases and large fireplace. Secondary bedrooms feature hardwood flooring, spacious closets, access to the patio balcony and tons of natural light. The master suite features gleaming hardwood floors, a romantic fireplace, private en-suite with spa tub and shower enclosure, a sauna, and patio balcony access. The rear yard offers ample privacy with large mature trees and lush green lawns. This residence also features a dual system central air & heating, dedicated laundry room, elevator, 3 car garage, and a long private driveway with ample room for additional parking.
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