加拿大华人论坛 美国房产买卖库卡蒙格牧场Office Leasing/ 办公室出租
Location/地址: 9007 Arrow Rt (2nd floor, suite 9007-210), Rancho Cucamonga -North of the I-10 Freeway, East of Vineyard Ave. South Side of Arrow Route, High-end business park with easy loading and lots of parking in front of units. Just north of the I-10 Freeway east of Vineyard. 地理位置子靠近I-10高速公路-东Vineyard Ave,Arrow Route 的南侧。高端商务园区,易于装载,并在单位前设有大量停车位。 Property Overview/ 物业概况: -Promotion!! 特价优惠,时间有限!! -Office Available! Professional Business Park with Cafe on site. All utilities paid and the janitorial provided for some units. Frontier FIOS and Spectrum Internet Available. Conference Room, lunchroom, restrooms, etc. available for all tenants. 办公室大楼设有咖啡厅的专业商务园区。办公室提供免费网(可以使用Frontier FIOS和Spectrum Internet)和清洁。大楼有会议室, 午餐室,和洗手间。 Rent/租金: $1,330/month Negotiable/可沟通 Information/信息: -Rate includes utilities, building services, and property expenses 租金里面包含了水电,大楼服务费,和物业费用 - Fits 3-9个人 可容3-9个人 Office Picture/办公室照片: For more info or if you are interested please contact/如果感兴趣请联系: Yamin: (417) 860-9228 Email: [email protected]
·生活百科 昆士兰州现有太阳能/电池的扩展
·生活百科 太阳能电池板产品保修