原先想住学校宿舍,后来学校管理处说只能1000刀一个月的单人房,由于没找到住的地方,就同意住单人房。学校发来住宿合同,但我没有签。后来朋友介绍了一个500刀的校外合租房,我想取消校内住宿,结果学校住宿管理处不同意。回邮件如下: Dear Student, In your e-mail you expressed a wish to be placed in the on-campus dorm. You received an e-mail from our office informed you that your room has been reserved.Our office has already paid for and reserved your on-campus room. If you would cancel your reservations in advance, I could possibly find a student who would replace you. Since our spring semester starts in just few weeks, I am not able to find a replacement for your room.At this moment you have 2 choices:1. Stay in the room to which you have committed and which was been reserved for you2. Find a male student who could stay in your room 现在不知道怎么办,特意寻求帮助!!!
如果不想住的话,只能是找个愿意租的人替你了,可以看看学校里面什么地方能够贴广告,可以试试 By Mrs LA
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