加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民请问哪里有卖英汉电子辞典的?





金字典质量极差,服务极差,骗招花样极多 发布人: seattlelove883 发布于: 2011/06/06, 8:09 pm金字典质量极差,服务极差,骗招花样极多金字典电子词典整整折磨了我大半年,被金字典的产品质量气死,被金字典的服务气死被众多花招气死,买金字典=拿自己的大钱买痛苦。我未买之前,我不知道要买哪一个型号的电子词典,就在网上看哪个型号的好评/坏评多来决定,结果看了有人对金字典的很多方面是很坏的评论,因要急用电子词典,心存幸运心理,万一不幸我也买了质量差,就退或换,再换应该不会有质量问题吧。怀着这种心理,致电南加州的谢小姐问价,我说她的价格比中国的价格高,她游说中国国内的电子词典的WiFi(上网)在美国不能上网或要等很久才能上网,她的专业词汇量比中国的要多,也更专业。基于这些,我买了金字典。第一部我在第一个星期就发现有几个发病,我很后悔没有听用户们的投诉,后来战战兢兢的用,期望只要能用一年就不求什么了,结果再过10天,金字典的电子词典就死了。我要求退或换,金字典的谢小姐就是不肯退或换,我说在美国你买什么都可以既退或换(有些连二手货都可以退或换,我说Target在三个月内可退或换,不用任何理由,质量问题就更别提了,她说每个公司的policy不同,她说金字典不退也不换,质量问题的话可以维修,我实在是不敢相信金字典质量和服务。我说了网上用户们对金字典的质量和服务的投诉,谢小姐说金字典有很多客户,少不了投诉。我费了很多口舌,她最后说要扣20%费用才能退。天啊,金字典这不是抢钱吗?明明是金字典的质量问题,且才买了不久,二三个星期就想扣用户的70美元,350美元的20%就是70美元,我只是个全职学生,哪有钱被金字典这样骗财,只好求谢小姐换另一部给我,有我家人要来美国且也要买字典的利益才换来谢小姐的同意换另一部电子词典给我。第二部我也很快就发现很多问题,我要求退或换,谢小姐就是不给退或换。我第一次全换时付了运费约18美元含保险,眼看又要出运费,这一次金字典也不提保会维修成功,再一次我还得掏钱付运费。别说一年的保修期,按金字典的质量问题,就算终身保修,我也不敢买,每次质量有问题,光是运费我都付不起。于是我要求谢小姐看在金字典的质量问题上和我已付过一次运费了,请金字典付运费,因为我不可能无休止地寄给金字典维修。谢小姐好歹不答应付运费,产品质量差,管不少,但维修质量要保证吧,谢小姐说也不能保证维修质量,她说又坏了就又寄给金字典。我开始怀疑金字典的质量保证约一年,过了一年的保修期就收50美元的维修费。卖多少只是一次性的,金字典的质量极差,赚金字典自产很差的字典的维修费分分钟比卖还赚钱,因为金字典自产的字典质量极差无比,维修次数是无休止,光这维修费就可以撑起金字典的生意。只要金字典不死机,质量问题我就没急着要寄出去,但很快第二部金字典词典又死机,气死我了。谢小姐的服务更是气死人。谢小姐说不知我是怎么用,怎么一部一部机到了我手上就死机呢?买金字典前,我和我家人前前后后用了3个电子词典,全部好好的,没有质量问题。约一九九几年买了第一部因价格便宜,功能太简单,但一直还是好的,第二部约于2000年买了,价格较贵,但功能较齐全,约于2006年,我把用了好几年的第二部电子词典给了我妹妹因我有了更好功能的电子词典,第二部我妹妹一直都在用,到现在这部词典还能用。2006年,第三部有新功能的词典--有夜光及复读(代替了第二部),我一直用到2010年,一直都没半点质量问题,平时下毛毛雨时也会短时间用电子词典,都没质量问题,直到2010年我在毛毛雨时用电子词典用了约15-25分钟时,少部分的功能坏了,大部份功能如查字典丶发音等都可以用,但我用的最多的复读功能时好时坏,就想买部新的了。谁知金字典改造的快译通跟真正的快译通的质量是如此的天壤之别,金字典靠维修赚钱不足为奇。网上的用户们没有说谎,我确确实实的领教了金字典的质量差丶服务差等。买字典时我跟金字典说明我付不起加快运费,我只要他们的免费的正常运送就可以了,但金字典还是骗收多了我5美元的运费,我跟谢小姐说金字典多加了5美元,谢小姐叫我先付,几天内会退回给我,经我多次电话和书写多次,一个月左右才寄回给我。第一部有很多问题到最后死机,谢小姐说金字典的师傅说我提的的很多功能有问题中有一些是有问题的,有一些是没问题的,我说我没有也没必要无中生有,我的朋友都知道是有问题的,没遇到功能有问题对一个女孩子来说是不可能描述的如此真实和详细的。第二部还是有很多问题到最后死机,我再要求退或换时,金字典这回是好歹不答应,但金字典维修后还是有问题,我的朋友都是知道有问题的。金字典说pick-up,他们付运费收回再检查是什么问题,他们要研究研究。研究什么啊?金字典电子词典本身一直一直以来就有质量问题,由第一部到第二部都是由头到尾都是有质量问题,他们就不能为顾客考虑一下退或换?我一直在为第二部电子词典要求退或换,他们可以内部慢慢研究它几个星期到几个月甚至几年,但不是拿顾客的权益慢慢研究。这一次有几个花招。第一个花招:谢小姐说谎说我的机子有问题,说我拆过电子词典,掉了一个罗斯钉,我对谢小姐说我一个女孩子家,不懂电子动技术,只会使用,更何况在免费的保修期内?我有必要自己不懂还要去搞砸吗?有专业而且免费的维修可以做,我为何要自己搞砸?我也没任何兴趣去研究电子技术。第二个花招:谢小姐然后说要换的话要Good condition,我说第二部机我多次电话和电子邮箱和一般信件中一直要求要退(350美元加约302美元的二次运费)或换,金字典一直都在拒绝我,第二部机完美时金字典一直不肯退或换,现在想用这个理由堂堂正正地拒绝退或换有质量问题的是想堂堂正正地倒打我一耙。第三个花招:过了几天,我问谢小姐金字典是什么决定,退还是换,她说金字典已寄信给我,我说为什么金字典寄信给我,为不么不直接说退或换给我,她说她不知道,我叫她问一下,后来她说金字典要退钱给我,我想金字典总算是做正事了,要把我付出的全部费用都还给我。今天的收到金字典的信,内有我不知道的弄花的地方,更有如下费用:$350我的电子词典+$30我的运费 - $80 Physical damage repair labor fees - 20% Restocking fee $70 - Parts $30 - Seller's shipping and pick up fee $28.20 = $171.80. 我付了约400美元,因金字典质量问题,金字典首先说寄给他们看看是否如顾客所说的问题存在,是在为日后不负责任埋下埋伏,事后他们会说没这些质量问题等。金字典多次否认我经历过的质量问题,即使我说我朋友可以作证,还说谎说我拆过电子词典等,最后连他们答应的他们付运费都算在我头上,我第一次是全套连厚厚的说明说和充电器等寄给他们,连保险才约18美元,我第二次只寄电子词典是约13美元,第三次是他们pick up, 我转述给谢小姐说UPS职员说要收寄件人的5到12美元的运费,谢小姐说UPS有金字典的运输帐号,不用担心,UPS不会收你的,金字典才是寄件人,UPS会收金字典5到12美元的运费。为何到了金字典扣我30美元?我付出了约400美元,结果金字典的质量问题,加上金字典的各种花招还说谎我拆过电子词典等骗招,我要付维修费80美元,70美元的再储存费,零件费30美元,他们答应付的运费也算在我头上,还要骗几倍的运费,结果金字典才还给我171.80美元。金字典的坏坏词典也要200美元?金字典还可以用我的这个坏了金字典词典再从另一个顾客身上赚200美元或更多,如此几翻,直到此机卖了全价,就算有问题也没找金字典麻烦,金字典才不能用此坏词典赚钱。我不会就此罢休,我会跟金字典谈最后一次,我不是求金字典,我这是给金字典的最后一次机会。作为消费者遇到如此奸商,我不会妥协,更何况这是好几百美元的大事。若还是不退全款或换个完全没质量问题的电子词典,我会告上法庭,告上法庭就不是要求退或换,而是要全数退回,再加上我的时间丶机票丶酒店费和精神补偿费。我会把整个过程公布,但我的学习非常非常忙,精力也有限。请耐心等待,我会要挤时间写更多金字典的花招让大家见识一下。我已用了4.5小时写这个评论。我从2011年6月6日3:30pm写到8pm。告上法庭时,我的电话费用和时间,email和邮寄的时间会另外计上。这是边回忆边写的评论,没时间修改,请原谅。有时间的话,请阅读以前的email如下:From: meTo: lesley xie <[email protected]>Sent: Thu, May 26, 2011 6:55:26 PMSubject: Re: 2nd MD300 WiFi electronic dictionary still doesn't work, need return or exchange againHi Miss Xie,The 2nd MD300WiFi electronic dictionary still have lots of problems, just like before, for example:1. Auto Repeat function:1) it doesn't work unless you press "shift + Repeat" at least twice.2) I set Repeat 3 times, sometimes, it only repeats 2 times.3) While repeating, it stops for one to two seconds, then continue...2. When I stop auto repeat function with pressing "Clear", it always shows 3 different screens, never the same.1) Sometimes it shows "English Chinese dictionary" instruction.2) Sometimes it shows review instruction.3) Sometimes it shows "start from beginning, start from the end, continue..." the option screen.---This should be the normal screen after you clear from stopping auto repeat function according to my old "Instant Dictionary" dictionary that had been working so well for years and never had any problems until an accident.3. Speaking speed has never worked from scale slowest to fastest, it seems only one speed no matter you set slow or fast.4. The lowest volume has never low enough, too loud. If the volume from the scale 1 to 10, the lowest is scale 1, the highest scale is 10, the scale 1 for the "Goldic International Inc" MD300WiFi electronic dictionary of "Instand Dic" is about my old same brand "InstandDic" scale 5 or even more. This causes me troubles. eg. I can't use it at night, it will wake up my 3 year old son; I can't use it in the public even though there is no people around me within 50 meters; ... If I put on ear phone, it hurts my ears.5 .....Plus, the unique number in the software of the dictionary is different than the sticker on the bottom of dictionary. In the system setting of the software in the dictionary, it says each dictionary has its own number, the number of the dictionary is "A170112589", but the number of the sticker on the bottom of the dictionary is "A170118352". I noticed there is wrinkle spot on the right corner of sticker once I got the dictionary, back to Jan 2011, I have been doubting if your company gave me used dictionary and grabbed a sticker from other dictionary.Miss xie, there are too much problems on this dictionary even thought you repaired one time already and even though I have it for a short time, it has never ever been working fine from very first day. The dictionary gives me too much pain and wasted me too much time by dealing with. Again, I ask to return or exchange, seriously. I have been asking for returnning or exchanging, please take it serious, my patience for the MD300 WiFi electronic dictionary that I paid total about $400 ($350 for the dictionary+mail fees) is gone. Will you be happy with a company that you pay for a product costed $350 with lots of problems and spent hours to deal with and still the problems? My money that I paid should be a brand new dictionary with no quality problems at all, not repair and repair... repair until the warranty time is up and with me keeping paying mailing fees and repair fees. Thanks.Miss xie, I am glad that you finally reported to your boss about the problems of the dictionary I bought from your company and you finally agreed to pay mailing fee, thank you very much. I put the dictionary into an envelop right after we finished talking on the phone with your add and my add. The first pick-up tracking number was 1Z34EW432695013810. I had been waiting for UPS came to my home to pick up. In about 10 days, I called UPS first time, I was told someone called UPS to change my current address S. 12th st, WA to my old address S. 11th St that I rented before and moved out in Nov 2011, I told you about this, you said you gave UPS my current add 6403 S. 12th st and you didn't call UPS to change my add. I don't know who called UPS to change my add. You updated a new pick-up, the tracking number was 1Z34EW43269773 2825. UPS employee came to my home and asked to change envelop into box for the dictionary and they rescheduled the next day to pick up. I checked online on UPS website with the updated tracking number is 1Z34EW43269773 2825, it said the dictionary arrived in CA yesterday, you should have it tomorrow.Miss xie, I asked you a few times on the phone calls that please let your boss know that I, as a customer, request again for return the dictionary and your company pays me back all my money that I spent on the MD300WiFi electronic dictionary including the mails fees (Total about $30, should be less than $35 so far, I still have the receipts), or at least exchange a brand new dictionary with no quality problems at all and with warranty time starts from the day you mail me the brand new dictionary to make sure the new one has one year warranty. You said you will tell your boss.Best wishes,me________________________________From: meTo: lesley xie <[email protected]>Sent: Mon, April 25, 2011 3:32:14 PMSubject: RE: 2nd MD300 WiFi electronic dictionary still doesn't work, needreturn or exchange againSometimes "Repeat" funtion doesn't work, it works again after press this bottonfor few times, sometimes the "Auto Repeat" funtion doesn't work, it works againafter press "Shift + Repeat" bottons for few times. It has been like that beforeI sent to you.--- On Sun, 4/24/11, lesley xie <[email protected]> wrote:>From: lesley xie <[email protected]>>Subject: RE: 2nd MD300 WiFi electronic dictionary still doesn't work, need>return or exchange again>To: me>Date: Sunday, April 24, 2011, 3:45 PM>>> Dear Customer:> As far as I know, the record of technician showed, the technician really pay>attention on your machine for all the functions.> Please feel free to let me know about the problem for the "repeat function">now? then we can check.>>> Thanks Regard>Goldic International Inc.>>________________________________Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2011 23:38:13 -0700>From: me>Subject: Fw: 2nd MD300 WiFi electronic dictionary still doesn't work, need>return or exchange again>To: [email protected]>>>Hi Miss Xie,>>>You refused to return or exchange 2nd MD300 WiFi electronic dictionary that died>in Mar, you fixed most of function, there are still some other problems, the>main one I care very much is that the auto repeat function still doesn't work>well, not sure when the fixed MD300 WiFi die again because there is still some>quality problem, is it the product problem or your technician problem or your>company has the problem that expect the dictionaries would die soon and>warrantee expires soon so you can charge $50 to make money? I ask to return>again. Thanks>>>Regards,>me>>_________________________________________________>>From: me>>Subject: 2nd MD300 WiFi electronic dictionary still doesn't work, need return or>>exchange again>>To: [email protected]>>Date: Monday, March 28, 2011, 5:27 PM>>>>>>>>>>Hi Miss Xie,>>>>I requested to return or exchange MD300 WiFi electronic dictionary to your>>company on our phone conversation on Mar 9.>>>>>>I read online reviews about your company Goldic interation company, there were>>many clients complained about your dictionary's quality and services. I didn't>>like it, but I need a dictionary as soon as possible for my tests, I gave up>>ordering from China which was $100 cheaper than your company, so I had to order>>in the US and it seemed like your company was cheaper about $20 even your got>>lots of complains, I still decided to give a try to see I would be the lucky one>>that had a good quality dictionary and planned to return if the quality was bad>>like other clients because we were in the US where had the best services of>>returning especially there was involving quality problems. I bought a new>>MD300WiFi dictionary from your company in Dec 2010, but I didn’t have a good>>impression about your company about the quality, lots of people complained>>online about your companies like bad quality and bad services etc, then I>>experienced the same that they had complained.>>>>>>I complained to you that there was about 10 problems for the MD300 WiFi>>electronic dictionary on the phone calls. One of things I didn’t like that you>>said something like I didn’t know how to press buttons to make the Auto Repeat>>work while I had been using the function for many years in different>>dictionaries in the same brand “Instant-Dic” when I complained to you that>>something wrong with the Auto Repeat function. Another thing that I did like>>that you often repeated: "...You mail the dictionary to us to check if there are>>those problems as you complained...", I told you that I didn't like it at all>>because the way you often said sounded like I lied to you. I had no confidence>>about your company’s product quality and services according people’s online>>reviews and my own experice because first dictionary died so soon, so I asked>>for return. You refused strongly to refund, I did my best to convince you for a>>refund because it was just a short time and quality problem, then you said you>>only could refund 80% of $350 to me, not 100%, even it was quality problem, I>>felt like ridiculous that I need to pay $70 for a bad quality product only using>>for about 1 week and died and I couldn’t afford it, so I asked for exchange, you>>refused to exchange, still often said: “"...You mail the dictionary to us to>>check if there are those problems as you complained...”, at the end, your>>finally promised to exchange the whole package with my insisting.>>>>>>I emailed you about 10 quality problems for the 1st MD300 WiFi according I>>experienced from the died MD300 WiFi, I called you after the expected receiving,>>you told me on the phone that some of my about 10 complains of the quality>>problems were wrong which meaned I lied. I was not happy you used this method to>>treat client with telling client lying and with your bad quality and bad>>services, I told you again and again all quality problems I listed were>>experienced from your MD300 WiFi, not something I could make up especially I>>didn’t have lots of electronic knowledges. I had shown my classmates when it>>died while I was using in the classroom because they knew I bought one, I told>>them the quality problems too, one of my classmates is from China. Also, my>>boyfriend who living with me had been knowing the MD300 WiFi quality problems>>from very beginning, I have never lied to you about any one of quality problems,>>they were all true. My friends knew too. You and I have been arguing about the>>bad qualities that I complained to you, you insist that I lied about some>>quality problems that I complained, I insist that all quality problems I told>>you were my experience from your product MD300 WiFi with my friends knew. That>>was why I told you I didn’t like the way you said : "...You mail the dictionary>>to us to check if there are those problems as you complained...", you assume>>clients lie, then you lie to clients.>>>>>>I got a different MD300 WiFi from you in Jan 2011, I found out 2 thing in the>>2nd MD300 WiFi: the saving screen mode is darker than 1st one that died and>>darker than all my old dictionaries that I used, it is ok, just darker, no big>>deal, as long as I could use. Another thing was I need to press “shift”+”repeat”>>for 2 or 3 times to make it work, it has been never work if you only press one>>time “shift”+”repeat”. It was ok for me as long as it worked because that was>>Goldic International company’s poor product quality and poor services that>>people complained and I experienced. I wanted to email to you, but I didn’t want>>to spend time about this and I knew you would argue with me about the quality>>according our early conversation, I would be find as long as it worked at least>>one year, but soon, 2nd MD300 WiFi died too. I called you, you argued with me>>for a long time, you refused to return, you even refused to pay mailing fee…>>when I questioned your product quality, I complained about 2 of MD300 WiFi>>dictionaries died within about 3 months, you said you didn’t know how I used to>>make them die, it sounded like I were a super poor user that didn’t know how to>>use to make them die, you blamed client’s basic skill of pressing botton instead>>of blaming your company product quality. I had never heart about this kind of>>company about quality and services like your company. Anyway, you refused to>>return and exchange again and again even though I asked for again and again.>>>>>>I told my friends that I wanted to list all the quality problems for the 2nd>>MD300 WiFi, I was still mad that Goldic international company told me that I>>lied about 1st MD300 WiFi’s quality problems, one of my friends suggested me to>>take video and keep it for future arguement. I can list about 10 dying MD300>>WiFi problems, but I will just list few of them that I had told Miss Xie on the>>phone: screen frizen in different ways, lots of dots, stripes…you can’t turn off>>the dictionary even you press the power botton no matter how many times you>>press, screen still frizen even you take out the battery, can’t turn off, Reset>>botton doesn’t work…>>>>>>My friends knew about your company’s bad product quality and bad services, they>>gave me some good suggestions, one of them is about protect consumer’s right.>>Miss Xie, since 2 of MD300 WiFi dictionary in a row died, now I ask again that I>>need to return the 2nd MD300 WiFi or at least exchange MD300 WiFi with GOOD>>quality, or I will contact the relative organization about quality complains and>>I will go online to write a review to let future clients to learn my experience>>with Goldic International company, they will learn lesson from me. I think>>Goldic International comapany at least should have good severices to fix the>>quality problems to keep the clients and it is very reasonable demand due to>>your product quality problem. Thank you very much, have a good day.>>>>>>Best wishes,>>me>>________________________________>>From: me>>To: [email protected]>>Sent: Wed, January 5, 2011 2:34:35 PM>>Subject: MD300WiFi有很多故障,最终完全坏了,此机连开也开不了>>>>>>谢小姐:>>>>>>您好!我是DONGXIA WANG, 我于2010年12月14购买的Model No: MD300WiFi(快译通电子词典), S/N: A170120237.>>约一个星期前我在电话跟您反映过有很多故障,如:>>1.自动复读功能不能一次按 "shift+复读” 成功自动复读,要再按一次方可成功自动复读;>>2.开机要等3秒才能在屏幕上显示开机;>>3.有时点击屏幕上的功能键没反应(不在复读进行中的情况下点出的);>>4.有时点击屏幕上的功能键会出现不正确的情况,功能键错乱;>>5.WiFi功能要等几分钟才能上网;>>6. Wifi功能更多时候不能上网;>>7.复读中的间隔噪音大;>>...>>>>>>您叫我寄回贵司复检,此机本身很有问题,我担心修好后很快又要维修,我不想$350这么多钱买回来的是质量差的电子词典,您说您会寄另一个全新的没故障的MD300WiFi给我。>>>>>>之后,出现更多故障,我再次在电话与谢小姐您讲述:>>1. 使用时,无故自动关机。>>2. 按开关键打不开电源,开关键有故障。>>3. 拆开电池再重新放回电池方能开机。>>4. 开机后出现“系统资料重整中,请稍候...” 的屏幕闪个不停,但始终不能进入可使用的状态,按其他键也没反应。>>5. 以上的第2丶3 和4项故障出现几次后,再也不能打开此机,MD300WiFi电子词典完全不能用。>>>>>>我很庆幸没时间寄出去,不然不会知道一个电子词典可以有这么多的故障。>>>>>>谢小姐,我跟您说的此机的故障是希望对您们了解此机的存在的问题有帮助。谢小姐,我等一会把此电子词典及所有附件寄回给您您们,请您们收到后当天寄一个全新的正品MD300WiFi电子词典给我。之前我买过3部快译通的都没问题,第一部用了没多qu丢失,第二部给了我妹妹,she用了很久,还很好用,从来都没出现任何故障,第三部我自己用,一直都未出现过任何故障,直到最近使用不当,部分功能不能用,但查字典,发音等主要功能仍可用,知道最新的快译通有上网功能,我也想UPDATE一下,因为我也厌倦了使用同一个机, 有点贪新。>>>>>>>>谢小姐,我希望您们能寄我一个完全没故障的全新的MD300WiFi,>>给我质量上的信心,我将来会继续买您们的电子词典,也会跟朋友介绍金字典的快译通。我的第一部电子词典是快译通,我只买快译通because the quality>>was very good (until the 4th: MD300WiFi, hope the quality of your next MD300WiFi>>is good, so I will be able to buy from you more)。By the way, my parents and my>>brothers and their wives and kids will be in the US, I would like to buy more>>dictionaries from you as long as your dictionaries have no quality problem.


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