加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民求求哪位知道签证之类的问题帮帮我~~
我因为一件小事情,忘记更改现在在美国的住址,而被取缔了f-1的资格。因为暂时拿不出290美元,所以我一直非法呆在美国超过三个月了。我现在应该怎么办,父母已经给我买好了5月份回国的机票,我现在在美国如果重新申请签证的话需要等多久? 我可以5月份回国的时候签证吗?到时候回国了,还可以重新来美国吗?我真的不想大家都回国了,5月份还在这里呆着?有谁能帮帮我解决或者具体说明这个问题?求大家帮帮我``这是一月底那个人给我发的邮件``Dear Student, The Code of Federal Regulations requires all F-1 students to notify their F-1 sponsor of their physical address in order for this information to be reported to SEVIS. This information should be received within 10 days of the F-1 student taking residence at a new location. For over a semester, you have failed to report this information to ISSS despite reminder e-mails sent to you. Unfortunately due to these federal regulations, we have now been required to terminate your F-1 record. If you are still in the US and wish to continue your F-1 status, you should contact ISSS to discuss your options by calling 217-333-1303. Otherwise you should make plans to exit the US as soon as possible. Sincerely, Martin McFarlaneAssociate DirectorInternational Student and Scholar Services400 SSB, 610 E. John St.Champaign, IL, 61820Tel: 217-333-1303Fax: 217-244-0530Web: www.isss.illinois.edu
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