加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民能否可以在不同学校申请full time CPT 累计超过12
由于公司希望我能尽快入职, 我的OPT已经过期又没敢上2013的H1 只能用CPT full-time 工作。请问:能否可以在不同学校申请full time CPT 累计超过12 个月? 例如:在第一个学校申请full- time CPT 7个月之后再转学去另一个学校申请full-time CPT 7 个月?
是可行的。关键在于留学生办公室。但是CPT超过12个月,以后不能申请OPT。引用:Regardless of whether you are approved for full or part-time on CPT, there is no limit to how long you can work. However, if you work full-time on CPT for 12 months or more, you are not eligible for OPT. If you work part-time on CPT, or full-time on CPT for less than 12 months, you are still eligible for all of your allowable OPT. So make sure you watch the dates and hours closely - don’t jeopardize your OPT!As with all employment, you should work closely with your international student office. The general rules will apply somewhat differently to undergraduates, graduate students and PhD candidates, and the advisors in your international student office can guide you. They can help you determine your eligibility for CPT, make sure your job offer qualifies, and make sure you follow all necessary steps in applying to USCIS. They also have to authorize your CPT, so you have no choice - you have to work with them. But they are pros, especially when it comes to USCIS regulations, so use them - they are there to help you.
LucyFurrer, 我目前不需要申请新的OPT, 所以不在乎CPT是否超过12个月。能否把引文的链接发给我。 谢谢。引用:Regardless of whether you are approved for full or part-time on CPT, there is no limit to how long you can work. However, if you work full-time on CPT for 12 months or more, you are not eligible for OPT. If you work part-time on CPT, or full-time on CPT for less than 12 months, you are still eligible for all of your allowable OPT. So make sure you watch the dates and hours closely - don’t jeopardize your OPT! As with all employment, you should work closely with your international student office. The general rules will apply somewhat differently to undergraduates, graduate students and PhD candidates, and the advisors in your international student office can guide you. They can help you determine your eligibility for CPT, make sure your job offer qualifies, and make sure you follow all necessary steps in applying to USCIS. They also have to authorize your CPT, so you have no choice - you have to work with them. But they are pros, especially when it comes to USCIS regulations, so use them - they are there to help you.
Culver City附近/ LA 哪所学校可以第一学期就申请full-time CPT并且可以申请12 个月?多谢。
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