我本科读的是人力资源管理专业,想去USC读商科硕士,我看USC网站里会计硕士MACC需要本科读会计才能申请,但有一个summer intensive program,只需要两门先修课,我本科上过,请问这样有机会申请夏季入学吗?UCS有金融硕士吗(不是金融工程MFE),非金融专业可以申请吗?加州还有哪些学校设置适合本科没有学过会计的学生念的会计硕士,加州州立CSU的MSA是吗?
我本科读的是人力资源管理专业,想去USC读商科硕士,我看USC网站里会计硕士MACC需要本科读会计才能申请,但有一个summer intensive program,只需要两门先修课,我本科上过,请问这样有机会申请夏季入学吗?UCS有金融硕士吗(不是金融工程MFE),非金融专业可以申请吗?加州还有哪些学校设置适合本科没有学过会计的学生念的会计硕士,加州州立CSU的MSA是吗? By TUTUMaria
I don't think you need an undergraduate degree in accounting for admitting USC's MACC: http://www.marshall.usc.edu/macc/profileHowever, you do need GMAT and TOEFL scores.Nearly all of the CA state universities offer Master of Accounting do some google search, bit of course their ranking can't compare with USC or UCLA.Also noted that USC's MACC ranked no. 6 in US by US news and report, even higher than Stanford.练海涛, BA(HONS), MA, JD, LLM (USC)美国研究所留学顾问博柏顾问公司客户总监美国南加大法律硕士香港城大法律博士香港大学文学硕士香港城大语言学荣誉学士[email protected]:www.boldcci.comPhone:
By GURUINLA I don't think you need an undergraduate degree in accounting for admitting USC's MACC: http://www.marshall.usc.edu/macc/profileHowever, you do need GMAT and TOEFL scores.Nearly all of the CA state universities offer Master of Accounting do some google search, bit of course their ranking can't compare with USC or UCLA.Also noted that USC's MACC ranked no. 6 in US by US news and report, even higher than Stanford.练海涛, BA(HONS), MA, JD, LLM (USC)美国研究所留学顾问博柏顾问公司客户总监美国南加大法律硕士香港城大法律博士香港大学文学硕士香港城大语言学荣誉学士[email protected]:www.boldcci.comPhone:
UCLA doesnt have MSA major....sigh....
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