加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民graduation



在社区学院报名后,学校会给基测, 直接以基测的成绩就可以先选读了。

Cerritos College Assessment Center You should be able to figure out if your English is as adequate as you said.


Cerritos College Assessment Center You should be able to figure out if your English is as adequate as you said. By knownbad

Thx for ur response,i already had the inquiry to the college,the counselor told me to do the assessment test will be fine,so i want to know if you knw where i can find the reading material for the college assessment testing ?cos it is hard to find the related books or material on internet!!!


By knownbad Cerritos College Assessment Center You should be able to figure out if your English is as adequate as you said.

By kiki808 Thx for ur response,i already had the inquiry to the college,the counselor told me to do the assessment test will be fine,so i want to know if you knw where i can find the reading material for the college assessment testing ?cos it is hard to find the related books or material on internet!!!

You may try GED study material. Generally you may have problem understanding the questions than solving them. For example, reading comprehension is about understanding situation rather than just vocabularies alone. Other than that, I believe you should perform well on assessment test. Good luck.

You may try GED study material. Generally you may have problem understanding the questions than solving them. For example, reading comprehension is about understanding situation rather than just vocabularies alone. Other than that, I believe you should perform well on assessment test. Good luck.Thx for ur warm suggestions and kind heartd response.cos most of the colleges need the assessment test with English reading and Mathematic for the non-english speaker.especially the applicant likes me who didnt have a high school diploma here.so i want to make sure if the difficulty level of college assessment test is similar as GED level and college placement exam level,cos my counselor told me that the assessment test result is a determination for which course i can take(ESL or directly profession class).i wish to go over and prepare this assessment test and get a better score which i will qualified for my culinary art program directly courses.and i dont want to waste the time for the Esl class for my profession study.so as ur suggestions, i jst need to find some GED practice test books to go over it will be fine? GED拿到多少分或达到什么LEVEL的话,那就够资格读专业课程了啊?


看专业,有些专业要求相对低些,或高些, 一般来说英文还行的话 基测的成绩都不会很差的。 我们中国人的基础教育还是挺不错的。。

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