加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民优秀南加大在读MBA美国学生帮你修改留学文书


大家好,我是南加大在读学生,我和另外三名美国MBA同学目前有一个class project的内容要完成,目标是通过给国际学生修改申请材料或者其他一切重要的英文文书,赚取少量费用。我们都知道,写出一篇符合母语人士阅读习惯的英文文书对申请学校或者其他任何交流情况下都非常重要。我们保证,经过他们的修改,大家的文书首先不会有任何语法错误,其次不会有任何awkward的用法,让native speaker能读着舒服。甚至可以让他们以美国人的逻辑和思维给大家的写作内容和安排提出建议。因为他们都经历过美国最优质教育的洗礼,对美国top 50大学看重的价值和理念更为了解。我们当然会保证修改文书的质量和时间,绝对不会耽误大家的申请。现在的很多中介在文书上赚取暴利,而我们的价格将会非常低廉。而他们本身的教育和工作背景也完全够格修改文书。以下附上他们三人自己写好的的基本教育和工作经历。需要的同学还可以向我索要他们的writing sample,以做进一步考量。有兴趣的同学可以通过QQ或者email 联系我,询问具体操作方式。我一定会尽量及时得回复大家QQ: 609578648Email: [email protected]. AndrewAndrew graduated from New York University with a B.A. in history and Spanish. While at NYU, he was a four-year varsity member of the men’s swim team and an intern at a hedge fund in New York. Prior to attending Marshall, Andrew was a Captain in the United States Marines Corps. Andrew has extensive experience in resume and essay reviewing, having reviewed essays and resumes for countless service members wishing to enter college and for classmates wishing to enter careers in the financial services industry. Andrew has experience working in wealth management for a large Wall Street investment bank and will be returning there upon graduation from the University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business where he is currently pursuing a Masters in Business Administration.2. CarolineDr. Yao holds a Bachelor’s degree from Princeton University in Economics, Finance and Politics and a Medical Doctor degree from Columbia University. She is currently a surgeon at the University of Southern California where she screens hundreds of job applications. Before becoming a doctor, she worked on Wall Street as an analyst for several years, and helped screen/hire a high volume of employees for her firm. Additionally, she has 10 years of experience mentoring high school and college students in essay writing and school/job applications; she has helped students get into college, medical school and both medical and business jobs. 3. MelissaMelissa holds a Bachelor's degree in English Literature from UCLA. She is currently the Managing Director of an internationally recognized literary organization that works with some of the best fiction writers in the English speaking language as well as American and British film and television actors. Melissa has screened and hired dozens of applicants, including several international students. She also has an extensive background in playwrighting and graphic design. In spring of 2014, she will complete a Masters in Business Administration at USC's Marshall School of Business.

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