加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民被开除了怎么办。。
邮箱:[email protected]: 1667180174在美国的你或你身边的同学有没有因为碰到以下原因而被学校开除?:1. GPA 太低2. 作弊3. 违反校规4. 心理无法适应5. 其他 然而被开除了以后,茫然失措之余你又是如何应对的?你是不是心理压力特别大,担心没有学校会要你?你是不是担心重新申请新学校,时间拖很长会耽误很久?你是不是担心I-20失效,随时会被遣送回国?美国厚仁教育开除应对服务可以帮助你走出阴霾,Hold 住身份,我们有专业的法律顾问能够帮助在美学生解决所有困难,保证短时间内入读新学校,让你的学业重入正轨。 厚仁服务秉持着诚信,我们不骗人,不坑爹;公司在美国注册,所有营运方式都符合美国法律程序;我们保证服务质量,中美两地24小时客服在线,只要学生有紧急情况,我们必定挺身而出!———————————————————————————————————————————————————厚仁简介:WholeRen Education LLC was established by Chinese and American professional educators in May 2010. As a multinational and professional education company, WholeRen integrates the services of academic application, college transfer services, academic emergency services, academic counseling, immersion classroom, landing services, Chinese-American cultural exchange and other services. WholeRen Education headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the United States, which is the second largest cluster of education resources, the third largest university town, and the city with the highest proportion of achieving master’s degree or above. WholeRen education also has office in city of Beijing, which is the economical, cultural and educational center in China. Meanwhile, WholeRen education has branch offices and representatives in Seattle, Los Angeles, Cleveland, Atlanta, Boston, Kalamazoo, Moscow, Orlando, San Diego, San Francisco, Washington DC, Santa Barbara, and San Jose; covering California, Georgia, Ohio, Massachusetts, Florida, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Idaho and other states, and gradually increases expansion of other regional offices, which aims to get first-hand unique educational resources and the information of education institutions, strengthen and extend the cooperation with institutions, and provide quality services for Chinese students in America. WholeRen Education was co-founded by former Executive Director of Student Service in Pittsburgh School District, Dr. Brian J. White, and returned administrator from the North Campus of Allegheny County Community College, Mrs. Kathleen White. Dr. Brian J. White has been dedicated to education for more than 40 years; his educational positions range from high school history teacher to Regional Superintendent in Pittsburgh public schools. Mrs. White has been working in the field of higher education for more than 30 years in a large community college, in which 65,000 students were enrolled. 美国厚仁教育成立于2010年,由匹兹堡公立学区前总监Brian White白泊恩博士创建,总部设立于美国第二大教育资源集群地宾州匹兹堡市。美国厚仁教育专注于提供基于美国的教育服务,包括名校转学丶开除应对丶学术辅导丶融入学术主流丶青少年奖项规划丶浸入式教育体验,是最了解美中教育差异的专家,指导留美学生成功的导师。 美国厚仁教育在西雅图丶洛杉矶丶克利夫兰,亚特兰大丶波士顿丶 卡拉马祖丶莫斯科丶奥兰多丶圣地亚哥丶旧金山丶华盛顿丶圣塔芭芭拉,圣何塞等多地设有分区办事处,覆盖加利福尼亚州丶 乔治亚州丶 俄亥俄州丶马萨诸塞州丶佛罗里达州丶 明尼苏达州丶宾夕法尼亚州,爱达荷州等多个州。并逐渐增多扩展其他分区办事处,旨在获取得天独厚的院校资源以及第一手教育信息;加强扩展院校合作;为提供优质的留学服务夯实基础。———————————————————————————————————————————————————如需获更多信息,请联系[email protected],并注明您的信息来源:transfer55,谢谢!
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