加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民一个入学前表格的询问,谢谢。
求教,我接受学校offer以后,网页上让我填一张如下的表格,我不明白其意思,故来询问一下,这张表格是作什么用的?international student需要添吗?谢谢!Mentor Recognition Award - Nomination Form Mentor Recognition AwardYou are able to nominate one faculty member as a Mentor who has significantly assisted and encouraged you in your preparation for graduate studies. The Mentor Recognition Award gives you the opportunity to recognize the guidance and support this person has provided. When you enroll at school your nominee will receive a Mentor Recognition Award and a letter from the department Chancellor. Both items will acknowledge you as the student who initiated the nomination.
还没开始课, 不用填这种感谢状, 除非你己有人选
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