已经申请了学校,觉得拿到i-20没什么问题,可是学校说i-20一定要寄回国内!!听说在这里转签证需要三个学,这样不久党务我开学了么?求助啊,求解答,求支招!!, By Anneˇ
1。 可以请家里快递 I-20 来美国。2。 你没事先计划好只能尽量配合学校申请。3。 在正式转换 F-1 签证前不能入学否则违反移民局规定。Please Note:If you enroll in classes before USCIS approves your Form I-539, you will be ineligible to change your nonimmigrant status from B to F or M.If you are applying to extend your B-1/B-2 stay and you have already enrolled in classes, USCIS cannot approve your B-1/B-2 extension because of the status violation.
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