加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民六个成功人士的另类习惯!
六个成功人士的另类习惯帕特·莱利 - 职业篮球总裁,前NBA主教练习惯:关注小赢.麦可·詹森 - 美国田径运动员习惯:注重细节华伦·巴菲特 - 波克夏·海瑟威公司的董事长及执行长,投资者习惯:说“不”.蒂姆·费里斯 - 企业家,畅销书作家,天使投资人习惯:一次只做一件事.理查德·布兰森 - 创始人维珍集团习惯:寻求帮助。马克·扎克伯格 - Facebook的首席执行官习惯:"少"做来源:www(.)inc(.)com 如果想更了解成功人士即有关大学的资讯,请跟踪www(.)facebook(.)com/flexdb我们的大学顾问专线是909-784-0820-----6 Unconventional Habits Of Extremely Successful People Pat Riley - Professional Basketball Executive, Former NBA CoachHabit: Focusing on small wins. Michael Johnson - American SprinterHabit: Paying attention to the details Warren Buffett - CEO Berkshire Hathaway, InvestorHabit: Saying "no." Tim Ferris - Entrepreneur, Best-Selling Author, Angel InvestorHabit: Doing one thing at a time. Richard Branson - Founder of Virgin GroupHabit: Asking for help. Mark Zuckerberg - CEO FacebookHabit: Doing less. Source- www(.)inc(.)comIf you would like to learn more about successful stories and tips, or would like to learn more about college life, please follow www(.)facebook(.)com/flexdb for up-to-date news!Our college couseling hotline is 909-784-0820!
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