加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民Recruitment of Essay Editor and Proofreaders ( High Commissi


We are currently seeking for professional English native graduates or university students who are looking for a part-time job with high commission base - English Editor.This is a very flexible job which doesn't require you to work in the office. We are looking for any degrees holders or university students who are confident of doing proofreading, editing or more.Potential candidates must complete a comprehensive two-part timed examination and meet one of the following two qualifications:1. Be currently employed by or enrolled in an accredited university and have a minimum GPA of 4.5.2. Have a graduate degree with a GPA of 4.0.We receive a high volume of academic essays and business documents 24/7. Our editors are required to provide corrections and suggestions in reference to grammar, spelling, document flow, punctuation, and usage within strict deadlines ranging from 2 days to weeks, depending upon the client's request. Editors must also be skilled in applying the style rules of MLA, APA, Chicago, CSE, Turabian,ASA, AMA, AP and other style manuals.Editors Requirement & Qualifications:1. Ability to work independently2. Ability to meet deadlines3. Exceptional time management skills4. Experience writing academic papers on various subjects5. Meet or of the two requirements listed aboveIf you qualifications match the editor opportunity above, please submit an application to [email protected]. Please email me your resume. Thank youRegards

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