加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民Language Tree Edu 留学教育中介 I20 申请 快速入读语
Language Tree 机构致力于帮助海外留学生来美国学习英语。Language Tree 机构会提供F-1学生签证的代理服务以及专业的咨询。我们会帮您向在美国认证的语言学校申请F-1学生签证,以及代理转学的签证变更服务,一方面精进您的英语水平,同时以延长您在美的时间。如果您需要我们的帮助,请联系Language Tree机构的办公室负责人严先生。英文服务电话:626-298-9377中文服务热线:323-283-2431邮箱地址:[email protected] Tree Edu was established to aid students whose interests are to learn English as a second language. Language Tree Edu was designed to suit the needs of students, offering services and professional consultation in the F-1 visa process. Whether it being applying for F-1 status, visa change of status or transfers between schools, Language Tree Edu will offer the best of services and connect you with the best accredited schools in the USA.If you are in need of assistance, and would like Language Tree Edu to brighten and grow your experience while studying in the USA, please contact Mr. Yan at any of the Following:English speaker: 626-298-9377Chinese translator: 323-283-2431Email address: [email protected]
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