加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民5 Mistakes Intl' Students Make Job Hunting in the US
What you don't know WILL hurt you. Especially if you're from a different country, you will make assumptions that will move you from the "interview" to the "reject" pile even without you knowing. 1. The Thing That's More Important than ExperienceIf I pulled the strategy I used on my own job search, going from a useless degree called urban studies, in ANY other country other than the US, I probably wouldn't have become a business analyst.But the ONE thing that's more important than experience is guts. No network?No problem.You just have to be ok with talking to strangers.No experience?No problem, but you've gotta either do the work that people don't want to do or be smart enough to position yourself so that your existing experience doesn't look so weird.All it boils down to is the guts and absolute fearlessness in doing what you've never done before to get what you've never gotten before (a job in the US)2. Stop Listening to People You Don't Want to BeIt's always so funny to me whenever I get on the phone with an international student and they'll say something like "my friends all went back to China/India/their home country", and then immediately saying something about their advice on the job search.Stop. Listening. To. Them.Look, you wouldn't take advice on finance from a homeless person and you wouldn't take relationship from your single friend, so why torture yourself on the job search?Even if you don't decide to listen to me, if you forget everything from this article, remember to only take job advice from people who already have done what you want to do!3. A Step by Step Plan for Job Hunting Tailored to International StudentsThe biggest mistakes that international students make is actually not related to how smart they are or how hard they work, but NOT having a plan. That's why I created a free webinar called 5 Mistakes International Students Make on Their Job Search happening on August 18th @ 6pm PST (with replay available here) where I will show you in 60 minutes how you can land your American dream job FAST! Click here to join: http://intlstudents.gr8.com/
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