加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民英语惯用语法之2
上个周末南加州経历了热浪侵袭,所以我们这次的惯用语跟热浪有関.虽然灵感来自夏日但其中有些惯用语跟夏日毫无关系.- the dogs days of summer: 夏天最热的时候(七月中至八月中).Ex: "We go swimming often during the dog days of summer in order to keep children cool."举例: 在夏天最热的时候我们常去游泳好让孩子们保持清凉.-to beat the heat: 避暑比如留在室内或去游泳等…Ex: "We tried to beat the heat by watching a movie in the air-conditioned movie theater.举例:天气太热我们去有冷气的电影院看电影躲热浪.-a place in the sun:一个好的或者是幸运的情况.Ex: " She really found her place in the sun when she got offered such a great job."举例: 她觉得很幸运得到了好的工作.-A ray of sunshine: 开心果.Ex: "The sweet old man that lives down the street from me is such a ray of sunshine."举例: 那个可爱的老人邻居是个开心果.-to be smooth sailing: 无忧无虑.Ex: "Once you get on 101 freeway, it's smooth sailing the rest of the way to Santa Barbara"举例: 一旦你上了101号公路就可以一路畅通无阻的到圣塔芭芭拉.-A drop in the ocean: 跟所需要的相去甚远.Ex: "The $50 donations was only a drop in the ocean towards their $450,000 goal."举例:$50 的捐款距离我们的目标 $450,000 相去甚远.-to swim against the tide: 逆流而上.Ex: If you want to be successful, you'll probably have to swim against the tide from time to time.举例: 想要成功很多时候必须逆流而上.Optimus语言学校欢迎您的来电或是来访欢迎合作加盟详情请联系:教务办公室鲍老师学校官网:http://www.ols.edu电话(美国):7149904657微信:davidpao888 ( 注明 Optimus 语言学校 )Email:[email protected]公司地址:451 W. Lambert Rd Suite 210, Brea, CA 92821
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