加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民英语惯用语法#3
当我们对一些事情有不同意见及想法是很正常的,我们整理出一些英文惯用语法供您参考当您与别人有不同的看法.-at the top of my list: 可用在您迫不急待的想做您有兴趣的的事情或者最优先的想做的.Ex: "Skydiving sounds like such a thrilling experience, it's definitely at the top of my list!例如: 跳伞感觉很刺激这是我下一个最想做的事情.-whatever toots your horn: 做自己开心的事情.Ex: "I don't think that would be a good job for you, but whatever toots your horn"例如: 我觉得你不适合那个工作但你开心就好.-different strokes for different folks: 行事作风各不相同.Ex: "I would never paint my house green like that,but different strokes for different folks, I guess."例如: 我不会将房子漆成那种绿但每个人的喜好不同吧!- not my cup of tea: 不是我所喜欢的.Ex: "it took me six hours to write my essay yesterday, essays are not my cup of tea at all."例如: 昨天花了6个钟头写论文,我实在不喜欢写论文.-I'm not really a fan: 不喜欢丶不是粉丝.Ex: " I'm not really a fan of polka dots, I think they make me look like a little girl.例如: 我不喜欢波尔卡圆奌,让我看起来像是个小女生.-I can't stand it when...: 无法忍受.Ex: "I can't stand it when you leave your wet towel on the floor"例如: 我无法忍受你将湿毛巾放在地板上.-to be of a different mind: 不同的想法或感受.Ex: "I guess we are of a different mind about that because I don't enjoy that at all."例如: 我想我们的感受不同我实在不喜欢那事.-keep an open mind: 打开胸怀.Ex: "you have to keep an open mind about food when you travel to other countries."例如: 你出国时必须对其他国家的食物打开心胸,勇于尝试.-give a shot: 试试看.Ex: I've never had black licorice but I'll give a shot!"例如: 我从来没有尝试过黑甘草但我会试试看.- give it your all: 全力以赴.Ex: "it's okay if you don't win, just give it your all and we'll be proud of you!"例如: 输赢没有关系我们都以你为荣只要你已全力以赴了!Optimus语言学校欢迎您的来电或是来访欢迎合作加盟详情请联系:教务办公室鲍老师学校官网:http://www.ols.edu电话(美国):7149904657微信:davidpao888 ( 注明 Optimus 语言学校 )Email:[email protected]公司地址:451 W. Lambert Rd Suite 210, Brea, CA 92821
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