加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民英文文章修改丶英丶中互翻。个人丶保质量和高
我2009年秋来美,2011年夏美国公共卫生硕士毕业。英文听说读写都是我的passion和强项. 现有时间和精力想帮助留学生改善英文文章写作丶使其文章地道丶用词精准丶简练。有兴趣联系:[email protected] English Version-- I came to the United States in fall, 2009, Graduated with Master in Public Health in summer, 2011. English writing, reading, listening comprehension are my passion and caliber. I now have the time and energy to help those hoping to ace in English essay, with accuracy in vocabulary chosen, conciseness. And aiming at making their article sound just like written by an American born. Feel free to contact me at: [email protected]
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