加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民JobWing易职营by HG Plus 500强大咖分享会UCI专场


JobWing易职营by HG Plus 500强大咖分享会UCI专场随着川普新政策的不断出台,留学生就业问题愈发严峻,无论是选择留美还是回国就业,竞争都日益激烈。因此,HG Plus留学实习就业平台联手UCI CSSA开展了500强大咖求职分享会活动,为广大留学生提供就业和咨询的平台,在帮助他们找到理想工作的同时也为大一大二的同学明确就业目标,并为即将毕业的大三大四同学创造就业机会。费用:免费时间:2017年2月4日 16:00-18:30地点:UCI A311 Student Center Pacific Ballroom C Irvine, CA,92697活动形式:Panel (现场连接Notebook, 放视频和PPT)确认嘉宾:Mark Efros-Former HR Executive Director & Entrepreneur Mark Efros was the Human Resources Executive Director for a 5-star hotel conglomerate running Sheraton, Embassy Suites, and other upscale hotels around the country for 20 years. He has personally hired thousands of employees and at any given time was responsible for managing 50,000 employees. He is incredibly experienced in what it takes to manage talent and has given workshops to many companies to teach them to make better hiring decisions. He knows what hiring managers are looking for and what it takes to get in the door and get hired. Mark is an entertaining speaker, always incorporating magic into his speeches.Larry Namer -President/CEO of Metan Global Entertainment Group An entertainment industry veteran with over 40 years’ professional experience in cable television, live events and new media, Larry Namer is a founding partner of Metan Global Entertainment Group, a venture created to develop and distribute entertainment content and media specifically the China market. He is the co-founder of E! Entertainment Television, a company now valued at over $3.5 billion USD, and the creator of several successful companies in the United States and overseas. He also serves as Senior Advisor, Strategic Development to Eurocinema On Demand and is the co-founder of MINGYIAN INC., a China brand management startup for Western celebrities and influencers. Recently, Metan and a coalition of North America’s top TV and film writers partnered to launch Metan Wen Zhi Ku, a joint venture linking Western writing talent with transmedia projects for China. Sabrina Li-Co-Founder, Managing Partner Sabrina Li is an MBA graduate from the University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business. She also holds dual B.A. degrees in Economics and Communications. Ms. Sabrina Li brings a strong background in international finance and hands-on business experience to Sycamore Capital. She has successfully built an experienced and dedicated bilingual and bicultural team specializing in inbound and outbound US/China business investment. At Sycamore Capital, Ms. Li focuses on client relationship, team building, crafting products and guiding operations. With extensive experience in business consulting, investment and commercial banking, Ms. Li’s insight into financing and growth industries has led her to the forefront as the trusted advisor for Chinese companies who are interested in overseas investments. Prior to founding Sycamore Capital, Ms. Li was Vice President of a California based American bank which offered powerful solutions tailored to the financing needs of international export-import companies. She was responsible for over $100million in lending portfolio and helped rapidly grow the client base to over 500. She introduced forfeiting program between that bank and Bank of China. Ms. Li also worked at Morgan Stanley Dean Whiter, where she focused on corporate, charity and high net worth individuals’ asset management. At Morgan Stanley, she was associated with the team which worked on Baidu’s IPO transaction.主题:留学生职业规划与发展流程安排:1. 16:00-16:30 开场:主持人和嘉宾分别自我介绍和自身经验分享2. 16:30-17:30 专题研讨:Topic 1. 学业:留学美国的专业选择Topic 2. 实习:在校实习对于就业的影响Topic 3. 简历面试:求职就业的第一步Topic 4. 签证/身份:川普上台后新政策解读3. 17:30-18:00 问答时间 Q&A 报名请在Eventbrite上Sign up, 网址:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jobwing500uci-tickets-31529267889

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