加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民PMP 考试找搭档 (非广告贴)
大家好,本人下半年打算去参加PMP的考试,project management professional exam. 在尔湾附近找了家学校准备去参加培训,因为PMP必须要求有35个小时的education training的,所以没办法只好准备找个学校报名,听朋友说组团3个人可以便宜打折,费用8周才1000刀以下,包括书本费早餐和培训,35个hours的PM时间,如果有兴趣可以加我微信,不是广告,找到二个搭档为止。可以加我的微信号码:UCIrenting (这个之前是用来找室友的,不是广告号码,有兴趣的加我,备注PMP,谢谢啦)中介勿扰,谢谢。 I planed to take the PMP training classes and looking into friends to go with me close to Irvine. Since the PMP requestment shows at least 35 training education, so I don't have chose to find a place to collect 35 hours for the certification. If group 3 people, we can get a discount for lower than 1000 for 8 weeks classes. Normaly once a week to take the classes. If you are interested, please add me on wechat: UCIrenting (this ID was used to find roommate before, not an Ad ID, please feel free to add me if you want to go, thank you)
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