加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民美高毕业生传授:如何过好高中生活?
相信越来越多的同学和家长已经意识到,如果要申请美国顶尖大学,一定要早做准备,合理规划利用高中的每分每秒。那么刚刚美国高中毕业的学长学姐会给现在的高中生怎样的建议呢?填写图片摘要(选填)Tips for your high schooler: advice from recent grads毕业生的忠告如何过好高中生活High school students have a lot to think about, from math tests to sports games to new social situations — not to mention the big “Where will I go to college?” question that seems to be on many a teen’s mind. So we asked the under-30 set here at GreatSchools to come up with their best advice for students now that a few years have gone by since graduation day.高中生有很多东西要考虑,数学考试丶体育运动丶还有新的社交圈,都需费心。更不必说那似乎缠绕在许多青少年心头的大问题了——“我要去哪儿上大学?”。因此, GreatSchools邀请到刚毕业没几年的学长学姐,为高中生奉上锦囊妙计。Pass along our top 10 tips to your son or daughter, and help them survive — and thrive — in high school.把我们的10条妙计告诉你的子女,助他们制胜高中吧!1. Pursue activities that truly interest you.1. 追求你真正感兴趣的活动“If there’s anything I regret, it’s that I never tried to do more during my free time,” explains Bona Kang, a GreatSchools summer intern who attends UC Berkeley. “I was tempted to join Mathletes but never did because of the general unfavorable status… Later I realized that probably would have been a great experience.”“如果真有什么憾事,那就是我从没有用空余时间多做点事。” GreatSchools暑期实习生,来自加州大学伯克利分校的Bona Kang说道,“我本来挺想加入数学训练队的,但因为它普遍不受欢迎,所以就没有加入……后来,我意识到那可能会是很棒的经历。”Don’t make decisions about extracurricular activities based on what other people think or what might look good on an application. Pick something you find interesting and get involved. Evidence of genuine passion and commitment to any activity is one of the most valuable aspects of a college application, and when you do arrive on campus, it will be easier to join an arts group, sports team, or club if you have some previous experience. Student groups are a great way to find your niche early on in college and may even lead to some of your closest friendships and most meaningful experiences.在选择课外活动时,不要因为别人怎么想丶或者哪种活动放在简历上好看而做决定。选那种你感觉有趣的,然后投入进去就好。大学申请当中最宝贵的一大方面,就是对任何活动由衷的激情和投入。如果你已经具备一些活动经验,那入学后就更容易加入一个艺术团体丶运动队或俱乐部。学生团体能很好地帮助你在大学初期找到自己适合的专业领域,甚至还能为你带来最亲密的友谊和最有意义的经历。2. Make the most of high school academics.2. 充分利用高中的学业Take advantage of the opportunity to form strong relationships with teachers. Even in large classes, a little extra effort goes a long way. “Get to know your teachers… Go talk to them after school or at lunch. They can help you navigate high school and manage the college application process,” suggests Sheryl Linsky, GreatSchools summer intern and graduate of the Yale School of Management.抓住机会,与高中老师形成稳固的关系。即使在上大课时,多努力一点也会很不一样。“去了解一下你的老师吧……放学后或者午饭时找他们谈谈。他们可以帮助你规划高中生活,处理好大学申请。” GreatSchools的暑期实习生,耶鲁大学管理学院的毕业生Sheryl Linsky说道。Sheryl also advises saving a few of your best essays and projects that might come in handy for applications. “Keep track of the coursework you’re proud of — you never know when you might need a writing sample or an essay topic.” Finally, try to avoid stressful competition with others. Instead, focus on doing your own best work. Sheryl says, “Don’t measure your academic success against your friends and classmates. Challenge yourself and dive into things you find interesting!”Sheryl还建议保存好你最得意的作文和项目,以便在申请时信手拈来。“记录好你引以为豪的课程作业——你根本不知道什么时候会需要一篇范文或者作文话题。”最后,不要压力重重地与别人竞争,而是要专注于做好自己的事。Sheryl说:“不要跟你的朋友丶同学与比成绩。挑战你自己,一头扎入你感兴趣的事情就好!”3. Work hard in language class.3. 上好语言课Many college students have opportunities to study abroad that may be partially or wholly subsidized by a university program, and language fluency can increase your opportunities to explore different parts of the world. Although language classes might seem abstract or boring, the hard work in high school will be worth it later on.许多大学生都有机会在高校的部分或全额赞助下,通过一些项目去国外学习。语言流利的学生,就有更多机会探索世界的不同地方。虽然语言课似乎有点抽象和无聊,但高中的努力学习会在日后给予你回报的。Elise West, GreatSchools summer intern and a graduate of the Darden Graduate School of Business, learned the hard way. “I dreaded my French classes throughout high school, but then I couldn’t study abroad in all the places I wanted to go… Perhaps if I had taken French class more seriously, I would be fluent now.”GreatSchools的暑期实习生,达顿商学院的Elise West就是前车之鉴。“整个高中我都害怕学法语。但不学好法语,我就不能去自己想去的地方上学……如果当初我更加严肃地对待法语课,现在我的法语就能很流利了。”4. Be yourself, seriously.4. 做你自己,真的This tip might seem cliché, but there’s a reason why you hear it so much - it’s important!这条建议似乎是老生常谈,但它频频露面自有其理由——因为它至关重要!You’ll get the most satisfaction out of high school if you focus on the people and activities that feel right to you, regardless of what seems cool or acceptable at that moment. As Alastair Brown, GreatSchools education data specialist and a Cornell University graduate, explains, “Anyone can do anything with their lives - students should not define themselves by their place in high school.”如果你不去管当下最酷炫丶最流行的是什么,只去关注自己认为合得来的人和事,那就能在高中收获最高的满意度。GreatSchools教育数据专家,康奈尔大学毕业生Alastair Brown解释道,“每个人都可以过自己想过的生活——学生不应该用自己在高中的状况来定义自己。”The social aspects of high school can be particularly overwhelming, but Megan Fox, GreatSchools executive assistant and a Sonoma State University graduate, encourages high schoolers to try to accept and even embrace those interactions. “Your teenage years are incredibly emotionally charged… I wish somebody had told me to be as present as I could in those moments instead of feeling embarrassed and stressed out.”高中社交可能会让你觉得很难忍受,但GreatSchools的执行助理,索诺马州立大学的毕业生Megan Fox却鼓励高中生试着接受丶甚至是欢迎那些互动。“青少年时期的你,可能会有重得难以想象的情感包袱……我多希望当年能有人告诉我,在遇到那些情况的时候要尽量保持镇定,而不是觉得尴尬或压力山大。”5. Take practice standardized tests.5. 练习标准化考试The SATs and ACTs are an important aspect of your college application, and if you study you’re much more likely to have higher scores. Sheryl points out that “It’s not about innate intelligence - you can learn to take that test better.”SAT和ACT是大学申请中的重要方面,只要认真学习就很有可能拿高分。Sheryl指出,“这分数与你天生的智商无关——你可以学习如何考到好分数。”Check out test prep books from the library and work on a few practice problems or vocabulary words a night, then take a timed practice test every other Sunday. If you’ve been studying, chances are your scores will start to go up, and you’ll be much more prepared and confident when test day rolls around.你可以去图书馆找几本备考书籍,晚上做几道练习题或者背背词汇,每隔一个周日就做一次限时模考。只要你持续学习,分数就有可能提上来。等真正参加考试时,你就能更加胸有成竹丶自信满满。6. Think about college early on (but don’t let it make you crazy)!6. 提早思考大学(但不要因此抓狂!)There’s no need to agonize over college the moment you enter high school, but it is important to do everything you can to make a good decision. There are many schools where you can have a wonderful experience, so do your best to narrow it down to a few realistic choices that seem like a good fit. Rather than obsess over every school statistic, take a broader perspective. “Look at colleges that have a variety of things you’re interested in, where the student body seems like people you relate to, and you’ll find your way once you get there,” assures Sheryl.你没有必要一进高中就开始担心大学,而是要尽己所能地做好决定,这一点很重要。很多学校都能给你很棒的体验,所以你要尽力缩小范围,找几个现实的丶比较适合你的选择。与其挂念着每一所学校的统计数据,不如把视野放宽些。“你考察的学校,应当有许多方面令你感兴趣,里面的在校生似乎很像你认识认同的人。这样,你一入学就能找到自己的方向。” Sheryl说。Be sure to think about the aspects that can have a huge impact on your experience, such as size, location and options for financial aid. Lauren Ryan, a GreatSchools summer intern and graduate of The George Washington University, explains, “I regret not thinking more about what type of college I wanted! It is much easier to spend three years gradually figuring out what you want than doing it all senior fall… I’m not saying freshmen should study college literature for hours upon hours every week, but it’s important for parents and students to discuss choices early.”一定要去思考那些可能对你的体验有重大影响的方面,例如校园规模丶地理位置丶经济资助的方案。GreatSchools暑期实习生,乔治华盛顿大学毕业生Lauren Ryan解释道,“我很后悔没有多考虑考虑自己想去的是哪种大学!用三年的时间慢慢发掘,比在毕业前一年的秋学期一下子做决定容易得多……我不是指高一新生应该每周都花好几个小时研究大学的文献,而是觉得父母和学生要提早探讨择校问题。这非常重要。”Finally, when it comes time to apply, remember that an application is just an application. It can’t fully encompass you or your high school experience, so don’t let it define you. Try to highlight your strengths, whether it be your GPA or passion for an extracurricular, and remember Sheryl’s advice: “It’s not just about grades or test scores. Getting into college is about showing yourself to be someone who is excited about learning.”最后,在申请的时候,你要明白这只不过是一份申请而已。它无法覆盖你全部的高中经历,所以不要用它去定义你自己。努力地去凸显你的优点,不论它是绩点还是你对课外活动的激情。记住Sheryl的忠告:“申请大学不仅仅与成绩和考分有关,而是要表现出自己是一个热爱学习的人。”7. Don’t feel you have to map out your entire future now.7. 不要觉得你现在就得规划整个未来High school students face a lot of big decisions, and sometimes it feels like you need to have your college major and career path already figured out by senior year. Sera Herold, GreatSchools client services manager and a University of San Francisco graduate, says this is not the case. “What many students fail to realize is that you can always change majors or schools — there’s no shame in trying something out and deciding it’s not for you.”高中生面临着很多重大决定,有时候会觉得需要在毕业前一年把大学专业丶生涯路线全部确定。GreatSchools的客户服务经理,旧金山大学毕业生Sera Herold说,事实并非如此。“很多学生都没有注意到,你永远可以换专业或者转学——你完全可以尝试一下,然后判定某个事物不适合你。这么做一点问题也没有。”Rather than attempt to plan the next 10 years now, keep your options open and learn as much as you can about what’s available to you. “Don’t worry if you don’t know what you’ll want to major in when you get to college,” Sheryl explains. “It’s more important to leave yourself open to new things you never even thought of.”与其想着规划未来的10年,倒不如不去限制自己的选择,尽可能地了解学习自己能够接触到的一切。“如果你不知道自己进了大学想读什么专业,不必担心。” Sheryl解释道,“敞开怀抱去拥抱自己未曾想过的新事物吧。”8. Try to see the bigger picture.8. 放眼大局Even though it might be hard to imagine life beyond high school, it does exist. High school is a wonderful time to make friends, but it is also not your last opportunity to meet people and form close relationships. “A lot of students don’t realize that the world is not limited to the people in their friend groups… I regret that I didn’t reach out to people who enjoyed different activities and had different opinions. It would have helped me become more open-minded and accepting a lot earlier,” explains Bona.即便很难想象高中以后的生活,但它毕竟是存在的。高中是交朋友的绝妙时光,但并不是你遇见新人丶获得亲密友谊的最后机会。“很多学生没有意识到,这个世界并不限于他们朋友圈的那些人……我很后悔没有去接触那些参加不同活动丶与我观点相异的人。要不然我的思维就会更加开阔,更早地接受更多信息。” Bona解释道。You’ll enter a whole new world of people before you know it, so focus less on the social hierarchy of high school and more on getting to know people who interest you - in the end, that will matter much more.在你还没意识到的时候,你就会进入一个全新的人脉圈。所以,少去关注高中的社交地位,多去结交让你感兴趣的人吧——这才是最终更有意义的事。9. Take care of yourself.9. 照顾好你自己High school can be exhausting, and it will catch up with you if you don’t get enough rest. As Sheryl says, “Just because your friends only need six hours of sleep doesn’t mean you can survive on that little. You’ll learn more and do better if you’re well rested.” In addition to sleeping enough, eating well and drinking plenty of water can really make a difference.高中生活也许会令你精疲力尽,如果你不好好休息,就会被它打败。正如Sheryl所说,“仅仅因为你的朋友只需要睡六个小时,并不代表你也能做到。如果你充分休息,就能学得更多丶更好。”除了充足的睡眠,丰盛的饮食丶多喝水也非常有益健康。Finally, whatever you do, don’t start smoking! If nothing else, think of how extremely unpleasant it will be to kick the habit when you inevitably try to quit years later.最后,不论你做什么,都不要尝试抽烟!如果你不知道抽烟有何缺点,就去想想多年以后你不得不戒烟时,会有多么困难。10. Ask for advice.10. 寻求建议It’s amazing how people will open up, so don’t hesitate to ask a teacher, parent or older student for some tips. Even a brief question can lead to further discussion, and you might make a connection or form a friendship you wouldn’t have otherwise. Recognize that some things just have to be learned the hard way — through experience. Ask for advice, think about what other people have to say, and ultimately do your best to make the decisions that are right for you.人们的热心程度会让你感到惊喜的。所以不要犹豫,去找你的老师丶家长或学长学姐问些建议吧。哪怕是一个简短的问题,也能带来深入的讨论。说不定你还能因此得到一段人脉或收获一份本来不会存在的友谊。你要知道,有些事情没有捷径——只能通过亲身经历。问问他人的建议,考虑一下其他人的忠告,最后,尽己所能地做出最适合自己的决定吧。来自网络,倍思校库网(www.bestschools.cn)诚意推荐相关阅读:美国中小学院校检索:http://www.bestschools.cn/Column_Channel.asp?美国中小学特色检索:http://www.bestschools.cn/Column_Channel.asp?Column_ID=31691&type=special
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