加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民想进Facebook丶谷歌这样的公司有多难?过来人表示
想进Facebook丶谷歌这样的公司有多难?过来人表示呵呵呵…… 前两天美国求职网站Glassdoor刚刚公布了今年美国最受欢迎企业TOP50,像Facebook丶谷歌丶麦肯锡这样的世界知名大公司纷纷榜上有名。优渥的薪水丶各种人性化的福利想必也吸引着一大波优秀的同学,不过要进Facebook丶谷歌这样的公司会不会很难?有多难?贴心的Glassdoor又帮大家把TOP25的公司面试难度进行了评分,并且还总结了各公司的经典面试问题,一起来看看吧! 1. Facebook 面试难度:3.2/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:58% 经典面试问题:Tell me about a complex sourcing strategy for an ambiguous hybrid role. 2. Bain & Company 面试难度:3.6/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:76% 经典面试问题:Walk me through your résumé. 3. Boston Consulting Group 面试难度:3.7/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:71% 经典面试问题:We have a company which is seeking to improve its profits on whiskey, which have declined in recent years. How can we improve our client's market share? 4. In-N-Out Burger 面试难度:2.3/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:78% 经典面试问题:Have you ever been in a stressful environment and how did you handle it? 5. Google 面试难度:3.4/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:60% 经典面试问题:What are the guarantees on search time for various data structures? 6. lululemon 面试难度:2.5/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:63% 经典面试问题:What's your favorite way to sweat? 7. HubSpot 面试难度:3.3/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:60% 经典面试问题:Tell me how you work with someone who is not motivated to learn or change. 8. World Wide Technology 面试难度:2.8/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:65% 经典面试问题:What's your dream job? 9. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital 面试难度:3.0/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:83% 经典面试问题:Tell me about a time that you were leading a project that you had major stakeholders that were not in support of the project — tell me how you handled it and the outcome. 10. Ultimate Software 面试难度:2.8/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:69% 经典面试问题:What would you do if you got many calls about an application or system not working properly? 11. SAP 面试难度:3.0/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:74% 经典面试问题:Tell me about a time you had a very difficult customer. 12. McKinsey & Company 面试难度:3.8/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:68% 经典面试问题:Tell us about a ambiguous situation you had to navigate, and how you showed your leadership through it. 13. Keller Williams 面试难度:2.2/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:67% 经典面试问题:What made you want to get into real estate? 14. E. & J. Gallo Winery 面试难度:2.9/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:78% 经典面试问题:What was a time you were told no and how did you overcome it? 15. Salesforce 面试难度:3.2/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:78% 经典面试问题:Why do you want to work for Salesforce? 16. Power Home Remodeling 面试难度:2.3/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:59% 经典面试问题:If your last boss were to say what your weakness would be what do you think he/she would say? 17. Delta Airlines 面试难度:3.0/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:74% 经典面试问题:Describe a time you had to change your plan last minute, what was the outcome and how did you adapt? 18. Academy Mortgage 面试难度:2.3/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:72% 经典面试问题:Why are you looking for a new position? 19. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 面试难度:2.7/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:80% 经典面试问题:Are you flexible in the position you are seeking and do you have experience working with cross-functional teams? 20. H E B 面试难度:2.5/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:76% 经典面试问题:What is one negative evaluation that you received and how did you respond? 21. LinkedIn 面试难度:3.1/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:55% 经典面试问题:What is your favorite website? 22. DocuSign 面试难度:2.9/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:56% 经典面试问题:Name a time you sold someone something in any context. 23. Southwest Airlines 面试难度:2.6/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:80% 经典面试问题:Name a time you went above and beyond the call of duty for a customer. 24. NVIDIA 面试难度:3.2/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:59% 经典面试问题:Describe the most interesting project you have worked on. 25. Fast Enterprises 面试难度:2.8/4 感觉良好面试者百分比:74% 经典面试问题:What do you do for fun? 从评分来看,果然还是进麦肯锡这样的咨询公司最难,其次就是Facebook丶谷歌这样的科技公司面试。而且,这越是面试困难的公司这面试题目越奇葩啊! 微信联系 AGCEG015 留学路上,洛杉矶时报LA Times专访留学教育专家,凤凰卫视特约留学教育专家,留学畅销书作家,文美留学教育专家Michael Wan博士24小时在你身边^_^
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