加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民入读美国美术院校零距离
在美国,基于学术要求,美术及设计类高等院校特别要求申请学生提供个人的实用艺术作品集-作为申请程序的重要步骤(通常伴随个人书面陈述及面试)。伦敦艺术学院给出以下关于入学申请作品集的定义:作品集是你作品的收藏集,她展示着你的创造力,个性,艺术表达能力及你对艺术的投入程度; 学院通过你的作品集评估评定你的艺术潜能。 我们指导学生制作成功的美术学院入读申请作品集以提高他们的最大的准入可能性!Students can choose to hold a video chat in the comfort of their own homes or visit our studio in Galifonia, US. to receive in person coaching. Students send their portfolio images via e-mail in advance so their works can be reviewed before the scheduled coaching time:• Receive one on one lessons: extensive support for your art college portfolio. Custom designed courses to build your skills and portfolio for your chosen field. • Personaliz with the Admissions for a Winning Arts Portfolio: Animation; Architecture; Fashion Design; Fine Art; Graphic Design; Game Design; Illustration; Industrial Design; Interior Design... • Guid student to research carefully and record the art portfolio requirements for a number of courses that interest you, build a List of advice on how to improve individual pieces in your portfolio. • Plan your art portfolio, aiming to demonstrate a range of artistic skill and experiences, creative ideas/originality and passion/commitment. • Show students recent art portfolio examples to help them gain a visual understanding of what is expected. • Detailed advices on how to tailor fit your specialized portfolio to each university‘s requirements, Organise, photograph and present your art portfolio. 了解详情请登录我们的网站或加微信咨询。谢谢!
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